When they say you should change, can you lift your head high and stay strong???

These are lyrics from the song Soar, by Christina Aguilera.

So, the question is….When others believe we should change our behaviour in some way, especially those that we respect and care about, do we stay strong when we feel what we’re doing is right for us???

Well, that depends doesn’t it, on whether it’s more important for us to stay true to what we feel is right for us in any given moment, or whether it’s more important for us to keep someone else happy by doing what they feel we should or shouldn’t be doing.

The question could be….When is someone else other than ourselves, better equipped than we are to know what we’re truly wanting and what the best route to take to get there is??? Well, they are not!!

I can imagine many would strongly disagree, especially if we feel people should be doing what we feel and tell them they should be doing, not what they feel they should be doing!! Now, before anyone gets their knickers all bunched up,(Hehehe, that’s funny don’t you think!!) I know we can get very good advice and inspiration from the others we come into contact with, that’s the Law of Attraction responding to our own positive vibration that has been maintained long enough with emotional intensity until we start attracting and receiving positive manifestations…..And I say that’s totally AWESOME!!

Our emotions are our Inner Guidance letting us know if we’re moving towards something we’re wanting (positive emotions) or something we’re not wanting (negative emotions) so it’s virtually impossible for someone else to have experienced all we’ve experienced in our lives and feel the same as we do in relation to everything that’s important to us and everything we’re wanting, so the truth is, no other is in a better position than ourselves to decide what’s best for us, end of story. (Not really end of story, but you know what I mean don’t you?)

In reality all the answers we’re looking for are around us all the time, no exceptions ever, the question isn’t if they’re there, it’s more whether we’re seeing them or not. The fact is, if we’re not in the same or very similar vibrational place as the answers we’re seeking, we don’t see them even when they’re right under our noses!!
Depending on where we are and how we feel about that, it could be annoying or exciting, probably a bit of both.

No matter where our answers come from, whether from external sources in the form of people and experiences or from internal sources like our own thoughts and feelings, the final decision on which way to go is always ours.
If what we’re receiving feels good, it is good, especially when we make an effort to focus on all the positive aspects of what we’ve decided on doing. If what we’re receiving doesn’t feel that good but we feel that’s what we need to do to get the results we’re wanting, we can make it a better choice by taking the time and making an effort to move into a better feeling vibrational place by again focusing on all the positive aspects of what we’ve decided to do.

The truth is….Action taken from a not good feeling vibrational place is very hard work and doesn’t usually reap very good results, whereas by listening to how we’re feeling and making an effort to move into a positive vibrational place, makes our journey much more enjoyable and reaps much better results, and I think it would be fairly true to say, there’s not many of us here that wouldn’t want that….

And so it is….

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