Am I impulsive, and is that good or bad?

Well, that entirely depends on whether our impulsivity is being inspired from a good feeling place or a negative feeling place. A good question to ask ourselves in these situations is, “Am I feeling good or bad as I contemplate this action I’m considering taking right now?” Many people would consider impulsiveness to be a negative trait, especially considering the definition of the word means taking action without reflection on the possible consequences, and even more so when describing a person’s actions if they’re younger in age. 

This does have some common sense thinking behind it for if we’ve had less life experience, we’re usually less aware of certain consequences that may come from our actions and therefore are potentially more likely to do something that could produce unwanted outcomes not previously considered.  It’s often only through the living of many different experiences and their consequences that one learns and comes to understand and consider more deeply the potential consequences and outcomes of different actions.

If we do take an impulsive action from a negative or unknown place, this does not necessarily mean we will experience negative consequences, just as taking an action from a positive feeling place does not guarantee positive consequences, as it matters how you react to circumstances and challenges as things unfold and when we generally sit emotionally at other times. But we definitely increase our chances of experiencing positive consequences from being inspired from a good feeling place and doing our best to work through any difficulties that may arise in the most positive way we can as we move forward through experiences.

Asking oneself, “In which direction do I have the most momentum of thoughts and feelings going right now? Do I have a negative, neutral, or positive feeling about what I am contemplating doing now, and is that feeling strong or weak?”This will help us to gauge what the possible outcome may be if our feelings stays the same as they currently are. It’s important to know that when we start something, how we think and feel about what’s currently unfolding is constantly changing meaning the outcome is also constantly changing.

For action to be taken there must be some positive momentum behind it for one will not usually act from a strongly negative place for we are all instinctively reaching to feel better, not worse. It just depends on where we are emotionally to what the next best feeling emotional place is for us, for what may feel good to one person may feel bad to another. If we’re in rage or revenge, anger feels better, if we’re in contentment or hope, belief feels better. So even though anger may be a better feeling place than where we currently were, this is not a place we want to be taking any actions from for it rarely reaps positive outcomes.

It would be preferable to take the time required to move to a more positive emotional place before considering taking any action, but if we are coming to understanding that our current thoughts and feelings are creating our current and future experiences, making a decision to feel as good as we possibly can to whatever happens increases our chances of experiencing positive outcomes. It also matters what our general mood is at other times as this indicates wether we perceive the world as generally a good place, or generally a place where mostly unwanted things happen. Descriptive words such as happy, easygoing, quiet, aggressive, controlling, chilled, assertive, friendly and so forth indicates some of the moods that people tend to spend much of their time in, that over time, can often become quite strong personality traits.

A person who believes the world is a harsh and dangerous place is no doubt seeing many unwanted circumstances and likely has a stronger expectation of unwanted things happening. Alternatively someone who sees the world as a friendlier place will be attracting more uplifting circumstances and will naturally see the world in a more positive light with a naturally higher expectation of good things happening.

It can be easy to judge others as we observe them taking actions we’ve labelled as wrong, but for them it’s highly likely to be movement to a better feeling place than where they just were. Judging someone as wrong and thinking that that will make them make better choices has a long history of not working, and in fact encourages exactly what we are not wanting because we get more of what we’re focused on.

Instead, focusing on the best of what we want for others but understanding they have their own choices and path to follow let’s love and compassion flow through you to them, and is the best gift you have to give another……

And so it is……

Do I want something too much???

I find it interesting when people suggest that someone may want something too much and that’s why they aren’t getting or receiving it, like there’s some outside force deciding the level of correct wanting or not?

Wanting too much is more a statement about wanting something but having resistance to our own desires which produces negative emotion within when contemplated. In other words it’s a desire where the lack of what we’ve been wanting has had more focus than the pure wanting of the desire has. It’s not hard to notice when something we want hasn’t turned up yet and this can become the most dominant feeling within us which is resistance or the opposite vibration to receiving or believing in our desires which makes the likelihood of what we are wanting manifesting in a positive way unlikely.

Whenever we are focused on the lack of what we’re wanting, it never feels good, and dependent on how much time we have spent pondering such thoughts will depend on the strength of our negative emotion. The longer the negative contemplation is, the stronger the negative emotions we feel will be.

In contrast to this when we are truly wanting something and we are in a good feeling place of believing that we will achieve what we are wanting, this always feels good and the longer the positive contemplation is, the stronger the positive emotions feel and the closer we are to physical manifestation.

Unfortunately for some people, wanting always represents not good feeling emotions because of their strong feeling that they are not capable to achieve what they are wanting. This may cause some to try to stop having desires at all to facilitate feeling better. If such a strategy is undertaken, it doesn’t take long before one realises this is a very difficult goal to achieve and is just another desire.

It’s a difficult objective to achieve because it’s our desires that are the essence of what life is and what keeps us moving forward through our earthly journey. If it’s our desires that moves life forward, and it is, if we no longer hold any desires, life at that point in the current physical body is over. Even a desire to not have desires for whatever reason is still a desire that one is wanting. So we are literally programmed to always desire more because this is how all life expands and evolves and how we are creating our lives both individually and collectively.

So the answer to the question, ‘do I want something too much?’ 

We can never want something too much, but we can want it in such a way as to make ourselves miserable and feel horrible which almost guarantees it will not unfold in a way we’re wanting because of our own resistance to our own desires! Whereas when we really want something and are believing it will unfold, the feelings felt when contemplating it are positive and life giving and are a sure sign we’re on the path to achieving the manifestation of our desires!

So we cannot pretend we do not have desires for that goes against the very nature of what life is and who we really are. We are physical expressions of life and the universal life force that creates all things and we are creating our lives both individually and collectively through the power of our focused thoughts and emotions. 

So do whatever it takes to feel better. For some it’s distraction, for other’s it’s doing something that makes their heart sing like being in nature or listening to music. Whatever it is for you, spend more time doing and imagining the things you love and enjoy and allow yourself to dream. Spend less time contemplating what you believe may currently not be working out and life will start to feel much better…….

For nothing is more important than how we feel, and that is something we can control given time and practice. We all have the ability to feel good apart from external circumstances and is one way to experience what true freedom really is……

And so it is……..

Be careful if you stick your oars into someone else’s boat….You might not like what you find!!!

BoatIn truth we don’t really need to worry about sticking our oars in someone else’s boat because no matter where we’ve chosen to put our oars, we have the ability to remove them and put them somewhere else.

Although easy in theory……..Not always so easy in reality. Why is that???

Once we have put or given our focused attention (oars) to anything whether it be a particular person, personal situation or even circumstances that for the time being sit outside of our immediate experience, momentum of thought is created.
Once momentum of thought has been achieved through our focused thoughts, words and eventually actions, this can be like trying to stop a train that has gained quite a lot of speed. We may be able to slow it a little bit, but we’d probably get run over in the process. The faster the trains going (a subject that’s been given a lot of focused thought over time) the bigger the chance of being run down is if we try to stop it. Whereas the slower the trains going ( a subject that’s been given a small amount of thought over less time) the less likely we are to be run down.

Given this analogy, if we are feeling some negative emotion to certain thoughts we are having, it seems like it would be a good idea to stop our train (the momentum created through our focused thoughts) before something unwanted turns up in our experience. On the other hand if it’s good feeling positive emotions we’re feeling, no one in their right mind would want to stop the momentum of that!!! Positive emotions held onto over time with belief and knowing, especially in the face of opposition to what we are wanting (resistance) must eventually attract what we truly are wanting. That’s the Law of Attraction in action with no living entity on this planet sitting outside of this Law…..”EVER!!!” (As Count Dracula says in Hotel Transylvania……God I love that movie!!!)

So the question needs to be asked……why wouldn’t we stop a train that’s going in an unwanted direction before it gets too far off its path and becomes a bigger problem???
Mainly because firstly we may not be aware of how our train came to be off its path, and secondly because we don’t know how to get our train back on its path. It helps to know how we came to be off track before we can truly begin to be able to get back on track.

Generally, most human beings are captivated by what’s happening around them giving their undivided attention to whatever’s happening. That’s great if everything we’re observing is what we are wanting to experience, but let’s face it, I don’t think there’s probably anywhere on this planet one could go and find all circumstances around them to be to their liking, unless they have made it their primary job to disregard unwanted and focus as much as possible on what they see that they like.
So no matter where we find ourselves, there is the potential to focus on either wanted or unwanted circumstances, and it would be accurate to say what and how we focus the energy that pulses through us directly correlates to the circumstances we attract into our life experience.

Never before in our history has there been so much energy moving so quickly through all life forms on this planet. This means that results from our focused thoughts are attracting vibrational matches far more quickly than ever before. It does not take long when we hold either negative or positive emotions on any subject that is important to us to see the attraction process begin its momentum. This causes us to feel our emotions quickly and strongly, giving us the opportunity to acknowledge where we are and to make an effort to start and change our thought patterns if we feel we may be going off in the ditch somewhere.

The stronger emotions most are feeling in these times, although rather bothersome especially if they are strongly negative, helps to prevent us from becoming complacent or from just ‘putting up with it’ so to speak. If we are experiencing negative emotion but are not dealing with it in its earlier more subtle stages, it does not stay at that level of intensity for long. If not moved into a better feeling place by making an effort to change the thoughts that produced the negative emotion in the first place, it only gets bigger and feels stronger until it’s almost impossible to ignore or ‘put up with’. If we continue to ignore when we feel strong negative emotion, momentum grows until we experience fully manifested circumstances that will have the same emotional feelings to what created it in the first place. Very good if it’s positive good feeling thoughts and circumstances we’re focused upon…….Otherwise no so good.

Back to our oars, there really isn’t anything to fear about where or who we choose to give our attention to because we have the absolute free will and power to retreat and simply put our attention (oars) somewhere else, but it’s very helpful to know that the more we focus on where we’ve put our oars that we didn’t want too, the more entangled we become in something we aren’t wanting. If momentum is not slowed down and changed, this can send us into a place where the choices we currently find before us are choices we don’t want to have to make. Even if we find ourselves in these circumstances…….All is never ever lost.

We can start from wherever we are right now, no matter how bad we may currently feel. We can start to feel better and better therefore creating and attracting better and better circumstances into our lives!!!

This I know to the core of who I am……

And so I do…….

Why do others try to control me???


No benefit comes from letting others control us. By giving into others against our own guidance hurts all involved in the end.          Paulette De-Har

This is a comment I received and responded to in relation to a post about special does not mean better, and since I thought it was especially special……..I thought it would be nice to post it. Thank-you to the person who sent it to me. I greatly appreciated your response as it strongly inspired much that I know and helped me to put that knowledge into words. Apart from that, it always feels very good when something we already know is understood in even greater breadth and depth than before.


It happens often that people when they want to try to control me, and they fail because I notice, they act as if I were better than them. I know that is not true, but nevertheless, I have to live with it. There are many people who control peoples’ lives because they probably don’t have a life of their own, or they like to project their frustrations on others. Special could also mean being able “to read between the lines.”

People often try to control others because they don’t like what “that person” is doing believing others behaviour will threaten them in some way or another. At the very core of who we all really are, it is known we are supposed to feel good but many have forgotten they have the complete and absolute power to make themselves happy and are instead trying to control other people and circumstances to produce the good feelings they desire.

Anyone who has lived for any decent period of time will usually come to understand that this is a futile endeavour but without knowing they have the power within them to move their thoughts and therefore their feeling responses into better feeling places, they are lost either continually trying to control others or to giving up hope of ever feeling better and remaining in an uncomfortable, not good feeling place. Both of these options are completely unacceptable when it does not have to be this way when we can;

1. Decide to make an effort to feel better than where we currently are apart from the physical conditions we may be experiencing. I know, not an easy thing to do when we have not practised doing this, but one must start somewhere don’t you think!!!
2. Knowing no other can assert anything into our experience for all things are created and attracted to us through the power of our focused thoughts that the Law Of Attraction responds in kind too, both wanted and unwanted whether we are aware of these truths or not.
3. Being kind to ourselves and others because that’s who we really are, and if it’s not possible in the moment, at least turning away and not responding negatively.

In response to others acting as if you are better than them when you are understanding you are not, this is often because people can sense when another they are observing is in a vastly different vibrational, emotional place than they are and will react in a variety of different ways depending on where they are. For Example someone in a very good feeling emotional place that is observed by someone in a low not so good feeling emotional place will often get strong negative attention directed towards them even though they are not giving this energy out!
Those that observe that are vibrationally closer to someone in a high good feeling emotional place are more likely to admire what they see but whether they will actually approach such a person depends on exactly how good they are feeling. In other words looking at others hi-lights within us how we really feel about ourselves but if we don’t know this we project any negativeness outwards to those we believe have created it where in truth it is our own beliefs, thoughts and feelings that have created this resistance within us.

I don’t believe people try to control others lives because they don’t have a life of their own, they try to control others because this is what they have been taught they need to do in order to feel happy, and everyone is trying to feel happy. It is true that many project their frustrations onto others because holding onto much negative energy without making an effort to feel better unconditionally apart from conditions is like putting an oxygen tank under pressure…..It’s only a matter of time before that pressure cannot be held in any longer and the tank explodes. Although most will temporarily feel better after this release of negative energy, it is short lived for as the Law Of Attraction responds to that which they have given out in the form of thoughts, words, and actions, that energy increases in power and momentum before being delivered back to where it first originated……
This is why reacting to strong negative energy others send out is not ideal for then negativeness they have released is passed on and although they will still receive back that which they have originally given out, now we will also receive back the negative energy we have received and in turn have given out and the chain of pain continues on and on……

Unless we start to understand through our own life experiences how this life is really working by paying attention to how we feel and noticing what is turning up in our lives. Anyone that does this from a pure place of wanting to know how to create a better life will eventually receive the answers they so desire!!!

And yes, special means different things to different people and I would agree being sensitive to oneself and others is very special indeed……

And so it is……

Does the Universe have my back???


Big Bear
The Universe always serves us up what we believe in. So the question is, do we believe the Universe has our back?          Paulette De-Har.

When I speak of the Universe, I am referring to the pure positive energy that has created all that ever has been in the past, all that is now, and all that ever will be in the future.


It is not the intention of this post to argue whether we do or don’t believe there is a pervasive intelligence and creative life force behind all things…..I’m assuming this is a knowing whoever is drawn to this post already knows, or is on the verge of understanding and coming to know or at least is starting to consider???

Firstly, to answer this question it helps to have a basic understanding of how the Universe works. At its core, the main principle which governs how life unfolds for all life forms on this planet is simple, although when applied to the specific details of one’s own life experience in all its diversity, often becomes quite complex and not so straightforward, even when we know quite well how things work. This principle is known as the Law of Attraction and simply states, what one gives out…..They will eventually get back. Let’s assume this is how the Universe operates…..And it does!!! The idea that the Universe is evaluating what we are doing and deciding “Yes, they seem worthy to get this or that, or no, they don’t seem worthy of this or that,” becomes quite a ridiculous proposition. Although the Universe is always aware and interested in what all living creatures are doing, it is not arbitrarily sorting out who is worthy to receive “good stuff.” We are the ones that decide whether we are worthy to receive good stuff through the power of our focusing on what we are wanting positively, but we do have the complete free will to focus in any way on anything wanted or unwanted!!!

In essence, all life comes forward from non-physical pure positive energy to experience a physical life with the ability and free will to make both good and bad choices and to feel the full spectrum of emotions from high-flying good feelings like joy and appreciation, all the way down to rage and hopelessness.
The emotions we feel are communication from the part of us often referred to as our soul or inner being that has remained in the non-physical realm letting us know what we are currently creating in our lives and our future experiences. Positive emotions we feel are creating circumstances we are wanting in our lives whereas negative emotions we feel are creating circumstances we are not wanting to experience in our lives. The purpose of this emotional communication is to let us know what we are creating and to help us direct and focus our thoughts and feelings into the best emotional place we can find to get our creative energy moving towards what we really are wanting to experience.

The free will we choose to have would not be free will if someone outside of us had a whole heap or rules that we had to abide by or we wouldn’t get what we wanted…..That’s a very conditional type of free will and love. The truth is we are so free to choose, we can create very bad circumstances from the choices we make. This is not possible when we remain in the pure positive place of the non-physical realm because, well……it’s a place of pure positive energy, the energy that has created all things, and that energy is only ever good!!!
So an agreement is made to come forward to experience the full spectrum of what life has to offer by having the freedom to choose.
The Universe is not judging what we are choosing as right or wrong but is simply reflecting back to us in manifested form what we are giving out through our thoughts, words and actions and is also communicating and giving us guidance through our emotions. If we are listening and coming to know what this emotional communication means, we can start being the true creators we came here to be by creating more of what we really are wanting and less of what we aren’t really wanting.

In truth, the Universe does have our back…..Not because we kept to a whole lot of rules that were interpreted by human beings thousands of years ago that may have been initially and currently misunderstood??? We will know that the Universe and the Law of Attraction does not play favourites, that the playing fields are clear and fair for everyone no matter what colour, creed or religion we may be.
We will know through our own life experience that ultimately we are the creators of our own lives both individually and collectively and that we do it through the power of our thoughts and emotions.
And mostly we will come to know not one among us has been left on our own without clear and constant communication with that which we really are, the pure positive creative energy that is life itself…..

And so we are!!!

If the politicians did a better job, my life would be better…..Wouldn’t it???

ProblemQuoteWell,……Maybe yes or maybe no, who knows??? This is a statement that says something like……”I am not responsible for any of the unwanted things I see in the world around me. I give my power and responsibility for creating a happy life over to someone else who I may have forgotten is here to follow the life they want to live and are doing what they believe is right.” I am not suggesting that the decisions politicians make do not impact on our way of life, of course they do. This is what we call a democratic society and without such systems in place, as a species we would not have progressed as far as we currently have. Does that mean all the decisions being made are to everyone’s liking or that things unfold in a positive, wanted way? No, there’s no guarantees with anything that has many variables with large numbers of people in different vibrational places in relation to so many subjects that are important to us.

I do not get into political debates as those that often talk about politics tend to have strong opinions that unfortunately tend to be highly negative in nature. Can you remember having conversations with such a person who highlights all the good and positive decisions the current politicians have made……Uhhhmmmm, not usually. The good created is often completed ignored in favour of all the things in their opinion that have gone wrong or will not produce the outcomes they are wanting. One in such a place is not able to see any good because the strength of their negative focus does not give them the ability to see it!!!

By focusing on all that has not worked well, and even worse having negative predictions for what has not yet unfolded helps to create the exact circumstances we are not wanting to experience, Law of Attraction says it must. No one on their own has created unwanted political circumstances, but together and collectively we are creating our experience and decisions are made that effect many people. How we feel about all things that are important to us in relation to political issues and any other subjects for that matter will have a bearing on whatever outcomes are achieved. This is the same whether we are creating specific circumstances in our own lives with those we are close with or when we are creating circumstances collectively with many we do not personally know.

When we are creating with others, which we are doing most of the time unless we live on a deserted island somewhere with no other people around us. (probably not reading this if that’s the case!!!) I like to think of our collective creative power in terms of a light that receives its charge from many small batteries. The more batteries that work together, the better the charge will be and the more likely that our light will glow brightly. In contrast to this, if many batteries are not working together our light may be much dimmer until eventually the light will cease to glow at all. It is not necessary to get everyone to agree and have the same point of view, although it does help when others are supportive and are liking whatever decisions we may be making that may be affecting them. It’s more important in which direction the collective focus is.

For example being highly focused on all the good a person we may support is doing versus being highly focused on what our opposition may be doing that we don’t like are vastly different perspectives that are vibrating at the opposite ends of the emotional scale and will bring very different results. Every person gets a say and is heard loud and clear by the powerful Law of Attraction, even if they are not interested in or do not follow politics. If we are highly interested in Education we will have a strong vibration going on in relation to this subject and our vibration will be included in decisions made about this subject, and so will every other person who has a vibration going on about it, whether positive, negative or neutral. The resulting outcome or manifestation will be a reflection of the strongest vibrations once everyone’s vibration has been taken into account and responded to by the Law of Attraction!!!

Politicians may think they have all the power but they do not. Every single person holds power to create, and we do it through the power of firstly our thoughts and what we give our creative focus too, which in turn inspires our words and actions.

So decisions can and are made that may have unwanted results, no ones denying that and sometimes its required to inspire better solutions and stronger desires for better outcomes from more people. The direction of each and every persons focus about such circumstances directly affects how things continue to unfold whether we are aware of this truth or not. By focusing all the creative power we were born with on the good we’ve dreamed of is the best chance we have to inspire changes in the direction we’re really wanting both in our personal lives and at a more global level…….And even if all you’ve dreamed of doesn’t become a collective reality, it won’t matter because you will have created it in your own life.

We are creators, and we are doing it individually and collectively. Others ultimately do not have power over us unless we believe they do. No one else can get in our heads and think our thoughts for us and that’s what creates our reality. By making the effort to focus on the best in our lives and leaving others to focus on what they want ensures we stay true to who we are and what we believe in. This must eventually draw vibrational matches in the form of people, places and circumstances and what no longer matches our vibration will eventually find its way out of our life…….

And so it will……

You’re that Special Someone that makes me want to give it!!!


Only give out what you would like to receive back for this is one of the most fundamental Universal Laws.           Paulette De-Har

These are the lyrics in the song titled The Giver (Reprise) by Duke Dumont.


Although we never came forward into this Physical life for sameness and for everything to be exactly as we are wanting…. We did come to have different experiences and to learn how to control and deliberately focus our thoughts and feelings to create the life we’re really wanting. To feel the excitement of moving towards something and achieving a goal we have set down for ourselves. That truth may not have us jumping for joy, especially if we feel we have not received nearly as much as we’ve wanted to in our lives so far.

When dealing with others, this is always a balance of giving and taking, for this is the way of this Physical world we live in. The question is, are we aware of the thoughts and emotions we are sending out and therefore what we are receiving back vibrationally???

When we have any type of interaction with any other we are always giving and receiving something vibrationally from each other whether we are aware of it or not. Good feeling positive interactions indicate the participants are in a similar general vibrational place in regard to whatever they are talking about and are both giving out good positive thoughts and emotions to each other. Not good feeling negative interactions indicate participants are also in a similar vibrational place but are giving out negative thoughts and emotions to the other and are probably having a less than enjoyable time……Unless of course, we have come to enjoy negative, not nice communication with others??? (That’s a whole different post!!!)

Obviously most love good feeling, happy, enjoyable interactions, but even when we sit in a very good feeling General Vibrational Place most of the time, we will still come up against unwanted interactions with others for many different reasons. Whatever those reasons may be, the best action we can take when faced with someone giving or trying to pass their negative energy onto us is to resist giving it back.
This can be hard to achieve and almost goes against the Laws of the Universe of “One will receive back what one has given out,” but can be achieved when we are focused and believing in our ability to react calmly and positively or to walk away rather than engage in a way that is not consistent with who we really are.

This by no means is a reason to let people walk all over us and doesn’t mean we should not be assertive and stand up for ourselves when we feel the need too, but it is a very good idea to do it from a positive vibrational place. Whether we speak up in such circumstances will depend on what we feel is best at the time, and will usually be an action that we believe will help us to feel better.

If we do react negatively, it’s easy to give the excuse “well they deserved it,” and for sure that’s often true, but people give out this not niceness because of resistance that’s within them, resistance that has often been received from others and through their own focus on what is not wanted without knowing they have the ability to remove it by making an effort to feel better and by focusing on what they are wanting rather than focusing and barking at everything they are not wanting. When resistance in the form of negative beliefs, thoughts and feelings are not moved into better feeling places through our own deliberate effort and focus, it’s only a matter of time before the need to pass that resistance onto others happens.

This is an attempt to remove the heaviness that comes with unresolved negative energy within the mind and body but this can never truly work because even if one does feel better after doing this, we will again receive back this negative energy as the Law of Attraction sends us matching vibrational signals to what we’ve sent out in the form of people, places and events.

So the moral of the story is….

~ Resist letting others pass their negative thoughts and emotions on by not responding back in the same manner as them. If we do lash out, we have allowed our vibration and how we feel to be dictated by someone else…..And that’s not good.
~ If we feel the need to respond, take a minute if possible to get into the best feeling place we have access too at that time.
~ Walk away rather than give back more negative energy and feel great for exercising deliberate power over how you feel and how you have reacted under trying circumstances.                                                                                                    ~And above all other things…..Make an effort to think, speak and act more about what you are wanting rather than what you are not wanting, and treat others in a way you yourself would like to be treated…..And all good things must eventually follow!!!

And so they will…..

Is there an Angel at my side???


There are more things unknown to Human beings than most would ever dream about. When the time is right……All will eventually be revealed.          Paulette De-Har

It depends on whether we believe in Angels…..Does it not???
All human beings have access to what many call Angels or Non-Physical energy that can be called upon if we are in a place to access such experiences. Although these energies will not interfere with the physical experience, they will give guidance on any subject one wishes to discuss with them.


Since we are the creators of our own life experiences, and we create those experiences through the power of our own focused thoughts, feelings, words and actions, it logically follows that we will be unlikely to have access to Angel advice and guidance or whatever else one might like to call Non-Physical energies if we don’t believe they even exist. Without desire, the feeling of wanting to achieve something more than what currently is, new cannot be created. Once desire is stirred within an individual through personal experiences and understanding, belief now needs momentum behind it, for creating anything we don’t believe we have the ability to experience is near impossible. Desire + Belief = Experience.

We don’t need to believe or be communicating with Non-Physical energy to live a happy and content life, but it certainly helps. By making a gentle and constant effort to move to the best feeling place we have access to in any given situation, especially when experiencing unwanted circumstances, ensures we are continuously moving through any resistance and closer to the physical experience of what we are wanting.

In truth, everyone has an Angel of sorts in the form of the Non-Physical part of ourselves that remained in the Non-Physical realm while the here and now Physical self was birthed into the physical world. The Non-Physical self-communicates to the Physical part we know as ourselves in the form of our emotions with good feeling positive emotions leading us into more of what we’re wanting to experience and not good feeling negative emotions leading us closer to what we are not wanting to experience.

Negative emotion gets a bit of a bad wrap, especially if we know and understand our own thoughts and feelings create our experience. Once people understand and know how they are creating their own life experiences both individually and collectively, the tendency becomes to try to instantly eradicate every not good feeling emotion we feel. Although negative emotion is what creates unwanted circumstances in our lives, it’s important to know when we let go of resistance and move into better feeling places better circumstances are created. Negative emotion is a very powerful tool that when truly understood is helping us to get back on track by letting us know we are moving in a direction that is not currently in our best interests.

It’s only when we feel the negative emotion and let it stay within the physical mind and body that it starts to become a problem. This is because any strong emotions we are feeling will be responded in-kind too by the powerful Law of Attraction. How strong this attractive power will be, depends on how often we bring negative thoughts into our mind and how intensely we are feeling them. What is turning up in our experience will depend on how much momentum we have behind what we are thinking and feeling.

We always have time to move our vibration and how we’re feeling in relation to any given subject as I’m sure everyone’s noticed things don’t instantaneously turn up the moment we think of something……So if many circumstances are turning up that have the same emotional vibrational feeling too them, we can know for sure we have the momentum of thought and emotion that is causing it.
Not a problem when good things turn up, but if there is a pattern of unwanted circumstances it’s a very good idea to make an effort to improve our vibration on these subjects. I know it’s not always the easiest thing to do, to look straight in the direction of what we may believe is causing our negative emotion and start to feel better about it…..But what other choice is there???

Isn’t the main reason to feel the best we can at any given moment to whatever’s presenting itself to us because it feels good to feel good, and feeling good is better than not feeling good??? Add to that the fact that we are also creating our future experiences by how we are feeling now and it’s clear that leaving strong negative emotion within ourselves without making an effort to feel better is not a good idea.

We all have the ability to feel better to anything that’s currently happening in our lives and whether we are aware or not we all have access to Non-Physical energy to help us on our journey. In truth this energy constantly and consistently communicates to all life forms, the question isn’t whether this is so, the question is…..Are we getting ourselves in a place where we can hear this communication clearly???

As we start to feel better in our lives, so we start to feel and hear this communication in real and undeniable ways….And this is a very good thing!!!

And so it is….

The basis of all addiction is emotional in nature….

Voices WithinAlthough addiction is a very complicated subject involving many different factors, when we get down to the real nitty-gritty of it, it’s often preceded by long-term negative emotions that have not been moved into a better feeling vibrational place because we have been unaware that…..

1. We have the absolute ability to improve the way we feel to any and every subject that is important to us.

2. What we are thinking and therefore feeling not only determines how good our present moment experience is but also pre-paves or lays down the vibrational foundation of our future experiences.

The need to feel good is a factor that insures all human beings strive for better and improved experiences in their lives and is how all species evolve and expand into greater versions of what they currently are. This does not mean we are not already good as we are, it simply means that without this core desire no species would evolve very much, and what would be the point of that???

The fact that an addiction is an attempt to sooth negative, not good feeling emotions from within ones self with external substances or circumstances does not downplay the  physiologically dependence that many may experience, especially when it comes to substances that have strong chemically based reactions within the brain and body that potentially cause stronger levels of addiction both physiologically and emotionally. That being said, the basis for reaching for anything from a position of need has the potential to become an addiction.

Almost every thing people are thinking, saying, and doing is because it feels good, for why else would anyone do anything if it wasn’t to have good experiences and to feel good. This only becomes a problem when we reach for external circumstances or substances to sooth negative emotions we may be feeling such as pain, hurt, disappointment, rage, anger, fear, and despair. Although we all have the absolute power to feel better to any and all circumstances we’ve experienced in the past, are experiencing now, or that we may experience in our future, without knowing this you might say many have been left in the lurch so to speak, reaching for the perfect diet, partner, exercise regime, substance or circumstance that will temporarily make them feel better.

Relief from these feelings are only temporary because the real cause of our long-held negative emotion has not been addressed and remains within the physical mind and body until it is released through feeling better to whatever the source of the negative emotion is. This is often strongly connected to what is turning up in our experience especially if the negative emotions are strong and often thought about as the Law of Attraction will be responding with similar people, places and events that match our dominant vibrational, feeling place.

It is very difficult to move forward in a positive manner in relation to any subject where strong negative emotion still surrounds it until that resistance has been released. If action is taken from a strongly resistance place, it often doesn’t unfold as we are wanting and requires immense effort and hard work unless we have managed to move into a better vibrational place, particularly when unwanted circumstances happen. This can be quite a big ask if we have never been taught that this is how we create better circumstances in our lives, but it is never something we can start doing too late.

As far as dealing with an addiction once it is present in our lives, calming the physiological craving the body has especially to substances such as alcohol, drugs and food is a crucial first step. It’s very hard to work on any emotional psychological issues that have caused the addiction when our body is still strongly craving substances. Once we have been deprived of such substances for over approximately a week the body starts to come back into balance and the strong physiological craving is greatly reduced if not completely eliminated. Any craving we experience after this period will now be to feel better emotionally and the reason we originally reached for this or that.

At this point effort needs to be put into doing our best to improve how we feel about issues or circumstances from the present and past that we are feeling strong negative emotions about. It is not enough to only work on eliminating the physiological cravings and to leave it at that.
A person may be forced into a program where the substances they desire are taken away but without their true desire to move forward and let go of an addiction themselves, the emotional work needed will be unlikely to be done as this takes immense strength and perseverance to undertake.

Although it’s not the easiest journey in the world to undertake……When one is ready to move forward with desire and a belief they have the ability to live more of the life they deserve, that they have the strength to find better solutions, that they have the ability to feel better and succeed, the right people, places, and events will appear to help them in their journey…..

And so they will….

Once the seeds of truth have been planted….They cannot be removed!!!




Just as a tree, the mighty oak came from the smallest of seeds that found itself in the optimal conditions it required to grow….So it is when a human being comes into a receptive mode through their own life experiences. This is the next logical step in any living organisms evolution.

The Soul or Non-Physical counterpart of all physical beings on this planet knows the truth when they hear it because essentially they are the truth, and is the main catalyst that is drawing and attracting truths to the physical part of who we are through our experiences. This is so we may more fully understand what our purpose is and how we are creating our lives thus giving us the opportunity to move more fully into the joyful expression of who we really are.

This is not a desire that is held only by our Non-Physical counterpart but also by the physical here and now part of who we are in the form of our own desires to everything we experience and observe. For example, every time we experience something whether it is wanted or unwanted we immediately know what would be an improved experience, and this knowing is also known and held at the same moment by our Non-Physical counterpart.

Our Non-Physical counterpart resides in and is the pure positive energy of joy, love, and truth therefore does not hold misconceptions, false beliefs or negative resistant thought patterns but knows the physical part of who we are has picked up many of these untrue perceptions, false beliefs and negative resistant thought patterns through the living of this and previous physical lives.

We are constantly guided by the Non-Physical through our emotions and what we are currently experiencing in our life depends largely on how much we have listened to the Non-Physical part of ourselves. The more we have made an effort to move into better, good feeling positive emotional places as we move through our lives the more blended the physical and Non-Physical parts of us become and the more knowing we are about all things.

The seeds of truth have always been within us and when we are confronted with Universal truths, deep down we know it. If these truths don’t align with the truths we are now living and have learnt along our physical journey it can upset the status quo causing us to turn away from that which we are unsure of in fear of the unknown.

This does not matter for once the mind and intellect have grown and we have been inspired with strong desire through our own personal experiences to understand and know more about the truth of life…..We are now in a fertile condition like the mighty oak with all that is required to bring this knowing into our full physical awareness. Once all conditions required for the successful revealing of truth are present, it’s not a matter of if this will happen, but when this will happen.

The length of time for this knowing to be completely understood depends on how willing we are to do the work of reassessing and changing beliefs we are coming to know are no longer serving us in a positive way. This can be more easily said than done as any beliefs we’ve held strongly over time will have much momentum behind them that we have literally been living and observing in our life experience. These limiting beliefs do take time and effort to move into higher vibrational places by doing our best to find the best feeling emotional place we can to whatever we are currently experiencing.

It is also very likely that we will be surrounded by many others that believe strongly in our old belief systems for we have attracted people, places and events that are in a similar vibrational place as where we have previously been. That’s the Law of Attraction in action!!! Responding to our vibration and aligning us with vibrational matches. Again this doesn’t matter, for even if we ourselves or those around us are resistant and not cooperative in this time of change, opportunities will be continuously presented to us to help us release any resistance we have until all doubt is gone and our understanding is clear as to the best and easiest way to move forward.

One that has been in the place to hear and feel the seeds of truth cannot remove this knowing, even if it was only for a fleeting moment they knew it. For those surrounding one that is coming to know the truth but may be trying to prevent that truth from being known for fear of the unknown, this is not possible and a futile attempt to control forces that will never be controlled from a place of fear or any other place for that matter.

We are all capable of the most amazing things….The seeds of this greatness lie within us all, not one among us was forgotten. There has never been a better time than now to start moving into the full knowing of all that we can be and all that we really are…..And it’s letting these seeds flourish within our being that will get us everything we are really wanting…..And more!!!

And so it is….