The basis of all addiction is emotional in nature….

Voices WithinAlthough addiction is a very complicated subject involving many different factors, when we get down to the real nitty-gritty of it, it’s often preceded by long-term negative emotions that have not been moved into a better feeling vibrational place because we have been unaware that…..

1. We have the absolute ability to improve the way we feel to any and every subject that is important to us.

2. What we are thinking and therefore feeling not only determines how good our present moment experience is but also pre-paves or lays down the vibrational foundation of our future experiences.

The need to feel good is a factor that insures all human beings strive for better and improved experiences in their lives and is how all species evolve and expand into greater versions of what they currently are. This does not mean we are not already good as we are, it simply means that without this core desire no species would evolve very much, and what would be the point of that???

The fact that an addiction is an attempt to sooth negative, not good feeling emotions from within ones self with external substances or circumstances does not downplay the  physiologically dependence that many may experience, especially when it comes to substances that have strong chemically based reactions within the brain and body that potentially cause stronger levels of addiction both physiologically and emotionally. That being said, the basis for reaching for anything from a position of need has the potential to become an addiction.

Almost every thing people are thinking, saying, and doing is because it feels good, for why else would anyone do anything if it wasn’t to have good experiences and to feel good. This only becomes a problem when we reach for external circumstances or substances to sooth negative emotions we may be feeling such as pain, hurt, disappointment, rage, anger, fear, and despair. Although we all have the absolute power to feel better to any and all circumstances we’ve experienced in the past, are experiencing now, or that we may experience in our future, without knowing this you might say many have been left in the lurch so to speak, reaching for the perfect diet, partner, exercise regime, substance or circumstance that will temporarily make them feel better.

Relief from these feelings are only temporary because the real cause of our long-held negative emotion has not been addressed and remains within the physical mind and body until it is released through feeling better to whatever the source of the negative emotion is. This is often strongly connected to what is turning up in our experience especially if the negative emotions are strong and often thought about as the Law of Attraction will be responding with similar people, places and events that match our dominant vibrational, feeling place.

It is very difficult to move forward in a positive manner in relation to any subject where strong negative emotion still surrounds it until that resistance has been released. If action is taken from a strongly resistance place, it often doesn’t unfold as we are wanting and requires immense effort and hard work unless we have managed to move into a better vibrational place, particularly when unwanted circumstances happen. This can be quite a big ask if we have never been taught that this is how we create better circumstances in our lives, but it is never something we can start doing too late.

As far as dealing with an addiction once it is present in our lives, calming the physiological craving the body has especially to substances such as alcohol, drugs and food is a crucial first step. It’s very hard to work on any emotional psychological issues that have caused the addiction when our body is still strongly craving substances. Once we have been deprived of such substances for over approximately a week the body starts to come back into balance and the strong physiological craving is greatly reduced if not completely eliminated. Any craving we experience after this period will now be to feel better emotionally and the reason we originally reached for this or that.

At this point effort needs to be put into doing our best to improve how we feel about issues or circumstances from the present and past that we are feeling strong negative emotions about. It is not enough to only work on eliminating the physiological cravings and to leave it at that.
A person may be forced into a program where the substances they desire are taken away but without their true desire to move forward and let go of an addiction themselves, the emotional work needed will be unlikely to be done as this takes immense strength and perseverance to undertake.

Although it’s not the easiest journey in the world to undertake……When one is ready to move forward with desire and a belief they have the ability to live more of the life they deserve, that they have the strength to find better solutions, that they have the ability to feel better and succeed, the right people, places, and events will appear to help them in their journey…..

And so they will….

I drink a little more than recommended…..This world ain’t exactly what my heart expected….

These are lyrics from a song called Free by Rudimental featuring Emeli Sande`.

It’s not too hard to figure out what these lyrics are saying, and for me it goes something like….

Well, I find myself in this physical world, and although there are many good things here, as I look around I also see many things I don’t like, and I’ve also experienced many circumstances in my life that certainly didn’t make me jump for joy. When I see and experience such things I don’t feel very good, and somewhere deep inside myself I have a feeling I’m supposed to feel good, like it wasn’t supposed to be such hard work, like feeling good and enjoying my life was something I came here to do???
But how can I feel good when others are behaving in a way that I don’t agree with? I’ve learnt that trying to control others just as others have tried to control me to feel good, doesn’t really work so I’ve given up on that.
So then I have these negative emotions within me and I’ve noticed as time goes by, they get stronger and I seem to be faced with even more unwanted circumstances in my life…..So sometimes I reach for something that will give me some temporary relief, something that helps me to feel better and forget or numb the intensity of what I’m feeling.
Alcohol, drugs, food, medication, sex, exercise, work or any other substance or circumstance can be used to prevent us from feeling the full intensity of our negative emotions. Some are more detrimental than others, but all when solely used without making an effort to feel better ourselves, cause negative emotions to grow stronger which in turn usually requires us to use more of whatever we’re using to maintain the same amount of relief.

The good news is……as our negative emotions intensify and our increased use of external substances or circumstances starts not to work, one usually comes to the realisation that a change of strategy is needed, no, required to continue to move forward in a positive manner, and in extreme cases, to remain in this physical body.

We’re all doing whatever we feel is necessary to feel good in our lives as this is one of the strongest desires we have as we came forward from the Non-Physical realm into this Physical world. To create anything, we need to be exposed to many variables which inevitably helps us come to stronger and more specific ideas of what we’re wanting to create in our own lives. If the contrast didn’t exist in this Physical environment we’re currently living in, there would be no real purpose to coming here from the Non-Physical realm in the first place.

It rarely helps to judge ourselves or others negatively and harshly for this type of behaviour, even when we know these choices aren’t ultimately going to produce much good in the longterm. Using external substances to feel better can be a strategy that has the potential to help us in the short-term, until we feel we have the strength to feel better by ourselves, but can become a problem or addiction if we rely solely on whatever we’ve been using without making an effort to move our emotions into a better feeling vibrational place ourselves.

If we’re wanting to overcome any addiction or addictive behaviours we may have, there must be a desire to no longer want to use whatever substances or circumstances we’re using. Even with this desire, it’s difficult to stop, but without it, it’s virtually impossible to stop. This decision can only come from within us, others may put up all sorts of scenarios and reasons why we shouldn’t be doing this or that, but this often causes whoever we’re trying to convince to stop what they’re doing, feel more negative emotions such as shame, guilt, confusion and helplessness which can increase the desire to use something to numb the increased not good feeling emotions experienced.
Making anyone feel even worse about the choices they’re making, no matter how detrimental those choices may be, in the hope they’ll feel so bad they’ll suddenly stop using, is a very risky approach at best and has the potential of making our recipients desire to use something stronger!!

Whether we’re thinking about this subject for ourselves, or for someone who we love and would do anything to help, moving forward in a positive manner requires many different approaches depending on the specific circumstances, but at the top of that list is;

~Promoting the belief that we do have the strength and courage to move forward positively, even if it’s hard to currently see how. This is no easy feat if we’ve tried many times without success, but the stronger our belief is that we’ll succeed, the more likelihood there is that we will!!
~The idea that if we slip up one time we’ve failed miserably, isn’t a thought that helps anyone that’s trying to change negative behaviours. If we’ve been doing anything for an extended period of time, there is much power and momentum behind our actions that the Law of Attraction has been responding too, making it very hard to stop what we’ve been doing all at once.
It’s better to accept that even when we’re trying our best, we may slip up, but that it’s not the end of the world and it doesn’t mean all the progress we’ve already made is lost. It’s often the strong negative emotions of feeling that one has failed, letting themselves and those they love down again, that promotes the feeling that it’s hopeless to even keep trying anymore. When we’re more accepting of our current choices knowing it doesn’t mean we can’t keep moving forward positively, it makes it easier to cope and keep going with renewed resolve and determination without the negative self-reflection that can bring us to our knees.

Although I know dealing with such circumstances can be very difficult, the best thing we can hope to do is to stay as positive as we possibly can, and to make an effort to continue to do this, even when we feel things aren’t working out as well or as quickly as we would like…..
Because when we know the Law of Attraction is bringing us evidence of what we believe and are strongly emitting vibrationally, anything else is unacceptable….

And so it is….