What causes the yo-yo dieting effect???


There’s no use denying where we really are…….Acceptance of where we truly are is required with a focus on where we really want to be.      Paulette De-Har

Many people will understand very well through the living of their own life experiences that a lot of the time dieting doesn’t work.


Not only do people sometimes experience very sporadic results but on finishing a diet will often gain what they initially lost and then gain more on top of that, hence the term yo-yo dieting.
Many attempts at dieting ending with the above results can leave one feeling rather demoralized making the chances of succeeding at further attempts later down the road even more unlikely.

I know that doesn’t sound very encouraging right now but there’s no hiding from the truth. Putting one’s head in the sand and not acknowledging what is really happening doesn’t mean that it won’t happen and in truth sometimes guarantees it will. Knowledge is power so when we understand more about possibly how and why things are happening as they are, we are in a much better position to make an informed decision on how to move forward in a more positive direction.

There are as many different reasons why diets don’t work as there are people doing diets because each person’s thought process on the subjects of food, eating, exercise, and general health will be different based on their own personal life experiences. Nevertheless, almost all unwanted results that are achieved will be the result of having a stronger vibration made up of our thoughts and feelings that are more orientated towards what we are not wanting rather than what we are wanting.

For example;
~Focusing on the feeling of being deprived of what we really want to eat versus feeling proud we are doing something very good for our body, mind, and soul by making an effort to become more healthy.
~Focusing on feelings of being disappointed in a lack of visible results versus feeling happy with the improvement in energy, body strength and any other improvements in health no matter how small they may seem.
~Focusing on how hard it is versus the positive benefits one is achieving.

When beginning any new course of action whether it be an improved eating regime or exercise regime, work schedule or anything else, there will always be doubts that come into one’s mind as to which way to go. This is completely logical as the mind can often be resistant to change, especially if we have shied away from change and left others around us to make decisions for us. If the mind is not taken control of by the occupant of that mind it tends to run riot by spewing out negative thoughts and reasons why this or that will not work to try to keep the status quo. A mind not kept in check by moving initial negative thoughts to a more positive good feeling place can make one feel defeated before any actions have even been taken. Most people will not have the ability to take action from this place of negative contemplation as this kills any belief one might have of succeeding, and let’s face it no one wants to start something they don’t believe they can do, especially when it’s going to take a lot of effort.

Another factor that has strong influences on the results we achieve will be how big the change we are planning to make is and how difficult it will be to implement. Major changes in many different areas of our current lifestyle make it difficult to maintain and increases greatly our expectation of seeing results quickly. Expectation can be good but only when we are sitting in a strongly positive place of belief and knowing otherwise it tends to have the opposite effect especially if we have placed a strict time limit on ourselves. Both expectation and time can be positive or negative depending on where each person is sitting vibrationally on whatever they are wanting to achieve. But one thing is for sure, unrealistic expectations and strict time limits hardly ever put us in the ideal place to experience the good feeling life we are wanting.
It’s better to be flexible and open about both time and expectations as this gives us the freedom to change as we move forward without declaring we have failed because we haven’t followed an unrealistic schedule we’ve set down for ourselves.

Ok, so what happens when we initially make progress achieving some success with what we are wanting to do, in this case losing weight but then put it all back on plus some more. When we implement big changes in many different areas of our lives it can be very hard to maintain. The body may initially respond to the extra exercise or change in diet even if we aren’t liking it,  but unless our thoughts and feelings are improved and we can maintain feeling good about what we are doing apart from purely seeing physical results, they are hard to achieve. Any results gained are eventually lost as our enthusiasm for taking the actions we believe are required dwindles. Putting more on after this can only be the result of feeling stronger negative emotion about it. It’s very understandable because it never feels good to have tried something and to feel like we have not succeeded.

Although we all know what we put into our bodies and how much we move directly affects our health and well-being, none of this action makes any long-term difference if our thought is not changed and improved. Any action taken from a resistant uninspired place is always very hard that often produces poor results and doesn’t last unless great strength over our mind is attained. Great benefit can be gained from undertaking something we initially find hard if our mind is strong and we do our best to improve our thought as we go. No matter which way we look at it, it’s always the same. The body follows the mind every single time. A strong body cannot be found in a weak mind and a weak body cannot be found in a strong mind. Working only the body in exclusion to the mind is like trying to drive a car without a motor in it!!! That’s funny don’t you think…..

It is a simple formula really, but when translated into all the specific details of our lives and who we have specifically become in this physical body, it does get complicated I know.
The formula is, take the time to move our thoughts as close as we can to belief and knowing before taking any action. Once this has been achieved one will usually know or have a very good feeling about the initial actions that should be taken, this is inspired action that comes as a result of our improved vibration. Continue to improve any resistant thoughts that come up and focus on the positive aspects of what we have chosen to do and be open to making changes as we move forward.

Whatever anyone is wanting to achieve, I know for sure they can. But what I know about someone else’s experience really means nothing unless they know it themselves……..

For we are the true creators of our lives, and we create our lives through our focused thoughts and feeling, our vibration……..

And so we do…….


Why is it difficult to change my beliefs?


Boat in a Bottle
If we can only believe in what is right in front of us, improved circumstances will be very hard to come by……For it is the belief in our ability to achieve what is not here yet that brings it to us.      Paulette De-Har


Sometimes we continue to do things the way we’ve always done them simply because we’ve always done things this way and often haven’t even considered changing what we’re doing. That being true it can also be difficult to change our beliefs because the Law of Attraction continues to send us circumstances that match our dominant vibrational offering and having one or two thoughts on what we would like to change does not have enough attraction power to override a strongly held belief that’s been given much thought to overtime especially if we’ve had many firsthand personal experiences.
In other words, it takes quite a lot of time and focused effort to change our beliefs even when we know they are no longer serving us. It’s often not until we start to understand we are the creators of our lives through our focused thoughts and feelings that create our beliefs, that we emit a vibration of, that the Law of Attraction gives us more evidence of, that we can begin to change.

Of course, everything is always changing, that’s one of the principles this Universe is based upon and in and of itself cannot be changed!!! (That’s funny…….everything changing never changes!!!) If we feel like things aren’t changing, it’s because they change to similar circumstances that match the vibrational place (thoughts, feelings and beliefs) we may have held overtime that may or may not be serving what we are really wanting to create in our lives.

For example, a trait one may believe they have or will experience because many members of their family may have had or experienced is a belief that more often than not, does not serve us. It is true we have inherited much genetic material from our paternal parents. This has been the building blocks that have allowed our transition from 100% pure positive Non-Physical energy into a blending of both Non-Physical and Physical Earthbound energy. Our genetics we begin with are purely the beginning place of our physical existence, like a canvas that has not yet been painted on. As we grow and learn on our physical journey we start to paint our canvas through our thoughts and feelings that in turn continues to shape our future experiences.
What we see and are surrounded by as we grow up often becomes the beliefs we prescribe to and expect which continues to be reflected in our own experiences as we move through time. It is not a question whether a belief someone holds is true or not. No matter what our beliefs are, if we hold them strongly they will be true in our experience because the Law of Attraction will make it so.

Whether our beliefs are true or not is not a criteria or beneficial way to judge whether to hold onto a belief that is not serving us no matter how many people around us, immediate family or not are experiencing it. For there are many things out in the world that are true and happening that we do not want to bring into our own experience and just because something is true or has happened to someone else or even ourselves in the past is a poor excuse for focusing on a strongly unwanted circumstance unless we are purely focused on the improved outcome an unwanted circumstance has inspired within us.
Unfortunately not many human beings at this time are able to stay positively focused on the solution they wish to see when faced with unwanted circumstances, especially with subjects they feel very strongly about, and I totally get it…….it’s not that easy!
Better criteria to use when questioning if a belief we hold is serving us is, does this belief I hold make me feel good and will it create wanted circumstances if it comes into full fruition in my experience?
If the answer is yes then this is a belief that is worth putting a strong focus on until a pure place of knowing is achieved and maintained. If the answer is no and we have beliefs that produce negative emotions when thought about, this definitely will not produce wanted circumstances if full manifestation is achieved and it would be a good idea to think about the wanted circumstances that have been inspired within us. If we cannot reach for a better feeling place immediately we may need to direct our thoughts to a completely different better feeling subject until our resistance subsides somewhat.

Reestablishing improved beliefs does not usually happen overnight because remember, the Law of Attraction is matching us with what we are vibrating and we will need to give the improved beliefs we would like to experience much thought until it becomes the new dominant vibration we are emitting.
During the time of making an effort to change unwanted beliefs, it is quite normal to get a bit of a mixed bag as far as experience goes. In other words, the Law of Attraction is responding to all our vibrations until one becomes dominant and then our experience can start to smooth itself out as our vibration pulses strongly in our newly improved place.
I understand it’s not always the easiest thing to do but let me ask you……..What is more important than this??? Dealing with the physical manifestations that come from beliefs that are not serving us takes much time and energy and drains the physical mind and body. Actions taken in these circumstances are hard work and produce poor results at best, whereas when our improved beliefs begin to gain momentum everything starts to take care of itself without the need to deal with strongly unwanted circumstances.

Now we are living in a time of heightened change. We can make our lives better by being the change we wish for or we can make our experience somewhat difficult by refusing to change and holding to what we know is no longer serving us……..

I can’t speak for anyone else but I sure know what I prefer.

And so I do…….

Why do others try to control me???


No benefit comes from letting others control us. By giving into others against our own guidance hurts all involved in the end.          Paulette De-Har

This is a comment I received and responded to in relation to a post about special does not mean better, and since I thought it was especially special……..I thought it would be nice to post it. Thank-you to the person who sent it to me. I greatly appreciated your response as it strongly inspired much that I know and helped me to put that knowledge into words. Apart from that, it always feels very good when something we already know is understood in even greater breadth and depth than before.


It happens often that people when they want to try to control me, and they fail because I notice, they act as if I were better than them. I know that is not true, but nevertheless, I have to live with it. There are many people who control peoples’ lives because they probably don’t have a life of their own, or they like to project their frustrations on others. Special could also mean being able “to read between the lines.”

People often try to control others because they don’t like what “that person” is doing believing others behaviour will threaten them in some way or another. At the very core of who we all really are, it is known we are supposed to feel good but many have forgotten they have the complete and absolute power to make themselves happy and are instead trying to control other people and circumstances to produce the good feelings they desire.

Anyone who has lived for any decent period of time will usually come to understand that this is a futile endeavour but without knowing they have the power within them to move their thoughts and therefore their feeling responses into better feeling places, they are lost either continually trying to control others or to giving up hope of ever feeling better and remaining in an uncomfortable, not good feeling place. Both of these options are completely unacceptable when it does not have to be this way when we can;

1. Decide to make an effort to feel better than where we currently are apart from the physical conditions we may be experiencing. I know, not an easy thing to do when we have not practised doing this, but one must start somewhere don’t you think!!!
2. Knowing no other can assert anything into our experience for all things are created and attracted to us through the power of our focused thoughts that the Law Of Attraction responds in kind too, both wanted and unwanted whether we are aware of these truths or not.
3. Being kind to ourselves and others because that’s who we really are, and if it’s not possible in the moment, at least turning away and not responding negatively.

In response to others acting as if you are better than them when you are understanding you are not, this is often because people can sense when another they are observing is in a vastly different vibrational, emotional place than they are and will react in a variety of different ways depending on where they are. For Example someone in a very good feeling emotional place that is observed by someone in a low not so good feeling emotional place will often get strong negative attention directed towards them even though they are not giving this energy out!
Those that observe that are vibrationally closer to someone in a high good feeling emotional place are more likely to admire what they see but whether they will actually approach such a person depends on exactly how good they are feeling. In other words looking at others hi-lights within us how we really feel about ourselves but if we don’t know this we project any negativeness outwards to those we believe have created it where in truth it is our own beliefs, thoughts and feelings that have created this resistance within us.

I don’t believe people try to control others lives because they don’t have a life of their own, they try to control others because this is what they have been taught they need to do in order to feel happy, and everyone is trying to feel happy. It is true that many project their frustrations onto others because holding onto much negative energy without making an effort to feel better unconditionally apart from conditions is like putting an oxygen tank under pressure…..It’s only a matter of time before that pressure cannot be held in any longer and the tank explodes. Although most will temporarily feel better after this release of negative energy, it is short lived for as the Law Of Attraction responds to that which they have given out in the form of thoughts, words, and actions, that energy increases in power and momentum before being delivered back to where it first originated……
This is why reacting to strong negative energy others send out is not ideal for then negativeness they have released is passed on and although they will still receive back that which they have originally given out, now we will also receive back the negative energy we have received and in turn have given out and the chain of pain continues on and on……

Unless we start to understand through our own life experiences how this life is really working by paying attention to how we feel and noticing what is turning up in our lives. Anyone that does this from a pure place of wanting to know how to create a better life will eventually receive the answers they so desire!!!

And yes, special means different things to different people and I would agree being sensitive to oneself and others is very special indeed……

And so it is……

If the politicians did a better job, my life would be better…..Wouldn’t it???

ProblemQuoteWell,……Maybe yes or maybe no, who knows??? This is a statement that says something like……”I am not responsible for any of the unwanted things I see in the world around me. I give my power and responsibility for creating a happy life over to someone else who I may have forgotten is here to follow the life they want to live and are doing what they believe is right.” I am not suggesting that the decisions politicians make do not impact on our way of life, of course they do. This is what we call a democratic society and without such systems in place, as a species we would not have progressed as far as we currently have. Does that mean all the decisions being made are to everyone’s liking or that things unfold in a positive, wanted way? No, there’s no guarantees with anything that has many variables with large numbers of people in different vibrational places in relation to so many subjects that are important to us.

I do not get into political debates as those that often talk about politics tend to have strong opinions that unfortunately tend to be highly negative in nature. Can you remember having conversations with such a person who highlights all the good and positive decisions the current politicians have made……Uhhhmmmm, not usually. The good created is often completed ignored in favour of all the things in their opinion that have gone wrong or will not produce the outcomes they are wanting. One in such a place is not able to see any good because the strength of their negative focus does not give them the ability to see it!!!

By focusing on all that has not worked well, and even worse having negative predictions for what has not yet unfolded helps to create the exact circumstances we are not wanting to experience, Law of Attraction says it must. No one on their own has created unwanted political circumstances, but together and collectively we are creating our experience and decisions are made that effect many people. How we feel about all things that are important to us in relation to political issues and any other subjects for that matter will have a bearing on whatever outcomes are achieved. This is the same whether we are creating specific circumstances in our own lives with those we are close with or when we are creating circumstances collectively with many we do not personally know.

When we are creating with others, which we are doing most of the time unless we live on a deserted island somewhere with no other people around us. (probably not reading this if that’s the case!!!) I like to think of our collective creative power in terms of a light that receives its charge from many small batteries. The more batteries that work together, the better the charge will be and the more likely that our light will glow brightly. In contrast to this, if many batteries are not working together our light may be much dimmer until eventually the light will cease to glow at all. It is not necessary to get everyone to agree and have the same point of view, although it does help when others are supportive and are liking whatever decisions we may be making that may be affecting them. It’s more important in which direction the collective focus is.

For example being highly focused on all the good a person we may support is doing versus being highly focused on what our opposition may be doing that we don’t like are vastly different perspectives that are vibrating at the opposite ends of the emotional scale and will bring very different results. Every person gets a say and is heard loud and clear by the powerful Law of Attraction, even if they are not interested in or do not follow politics. If we are highly interested in Education we will have a strong vibration going on in relation to this subject and our vibration will be included in decisions made about this subject, and so will every other person who has a vibration going on about it, whether positive, negative or neutral. The resulting outcome or manifestation will be a reflection of the strongest vibrations once everyone’s vibration has been taken into account and responded to by the Law of Attraction!!!

Politicians may think they have all the power but they do not. Every single person holds power to create, and we do it through the power of firstly our thoughts and what we give our creative focus too, which in turn inspires our words and actions.

So decisions can and are made that may have unwanted results, no ones denying that and sometimes its required to inspire better solutions and stronger desires for better outcomes from more people. The direction of each and every persons focus about such circumstances directly affects how things continue to unfold whether we are aware of this truth or not. By focusing all the creative power we were born with on the good we’ve dreamed of is the best chance we have to inspire changes in the direction we’re really wanting both in our personal lives and at a more global level…….And even if all you’ve dreamed of doesn’t become a collective reality, it won’t matter because you will have created it in your own life.

We are creators, and we are doing it individually and collectively. Others ultimately do not have power over us unless we believe they do. No one else can get in our heads and think our thoughts for us and that’s what creates our reality. By making the effort to focus on the best in our lives and leaving others to focus on what they want ensures we stay true to who we are and what we believe in. This must eventually draw vibrational matches in the form of people, places and circumstances and what no longer matches our vibration will eventually find its way out of our life…….

And so it will……

Is there an Angel at my side???


There are more things unknown to Human beings than most would ever dream about. When the time is right……All will eventually be revealed.          Paulette De-Har

It depends on whether we believe in Angels…..Does it not???
All human beings have access to what many call Angels or Non-Physical energy that can be called upon if we are in a place to access such experiences. Although these energies will not interfere with the physical experience, they will give guidance on any subject one wishes to discuss with them.


Since we are the creators of our own life experiences, and we create those experiences through the power of our own focused thoughts, feelings, words and actions, it logically follows that we will be unlikely to have access to Angel advice and guidance or whatever else one might like to call Non-Physical energies if we don’t believe they even exist. Without desire, the feeling of wanting to achieve something more than what currently is, new cannot be created. Once desire is stirred within an individual through personal experiences and understanding, belief now needs momentum behind it, for creating anything we don’t believe we have the ability to experience is near impossible. Desire + Belief = Experience.

We don’t need to believe or be communicating with Non-Physical energy to live a happy and content life, but it certainly helps. By making a gentle and constant effort to move to the best feeling place we have access to in any given situation, especially when experiencing unwanted circumstances, ensures we are continuously moving through any resistance and closer to the physical experience of what we are wanting.

In truth, everyone has an Angel of sorts in the form of the Non-Physical part of ourselves that remained in the Non-Physical realm while the here and now Physical self was birthed into the physical world. The Non-Physical self-communicates to the Physical part we know as ourselves in the form of our emotions with good feeling positive emotions leading us into more of what we’re wanting to experience and not good feeling negative emotions leading us closer to what we are not wanting to experience.

Negative emotion gets a bit of a bad wrap, especially if we know and understand our own thoughts and feelings create our experience. Once people understand and know how they are creating their own life experiences both individually and collectively, the tendency becomes to try to instantly eradicate every not good feeling emotion we feel. Although negative emotion is what creates unwanted circumstances in our lives, it’s important to know when we let go of resistance and move into better feeling places better circumstances are created. Negative emotion is a very powerful tool that when truly understood is helping us to get back on track by letting us know we are moving in a direction that is not currently in our best interests.

It’s only when we feel the negative emotion and let it stay within the physical mind and body that it starts to become a problem. This is because any strong emotions we are feeling will be responded in-kind too by the powerful Law of Attraction. How strong this attractive power will be, depends on how often we bring negative thoughts into our mind and how intensely we are feeling them. What is turning up in our experience will depend on how much momentum we have behind what we are thinking and feeling.

We always have time to move our vibration and how we’re feeling in relation to any given subject as I’m sure everyone’s noticed things don’t instantaneously turn up the moment we think of something……So if many circumstances are turning up that have the same emotional vibrational feeling too them, we can know for sure we have the momentum of thought and emotion that is causing it.
Not a problem when good things turn up, but if there is a pattern of unwanted circumstances it’s a very good idea to make an effort to improve our vibration on these subjects. I know it’s not always the easiest thing to do, to look straight in the direction of what we may believe is causing our negative emotion and start to feel better about it…..But what other choice is there???

Isn’t the main reason to feel the best we can at any given moment to whatever’s presenting itself to us because it feels good to feel good, and feeling good is better than not feeling good??? Add to that the fact that we are also creating our future experiences by how we are feeling now and it’s clear that leaving strong negative emotion within ourselves without making an effort to feel better is not a good idea.

We all have the ability to feel better to anything that’s currently happening in our lives and whether we are aware or not we all have access to Non-Physical energy to help us on our journey. In truth this energy constantly and consistently communicates to all life forms, the question isn’t whether this is so, the question is…..Are we getting ourselves in a place where we can hear this communication clearly???

As we start to feel better in our lives, so we start to feel and hear this communication in real and undeniable ways….And this is a very good thing!!!

And so it is….

There’s no place I’d rather be!!!

LionThese are lyrics to the song Rather Be by Clean Bandit featuring Jess Glynne.
So wouldn’t it be awesome if we could feel like there’s no other place we’d rather be for most of the time!! Although a difficult task for most to accomplish consistently, it’s a very nice idea and something that’s definitely worth working towards.

To come to the place where we may be close to appreciating where and what we’re doing no matter what’s happening around us, does take a certain perspective and understanding about life, and that perspective depends on what we believe and think about life. This, in turn, determines how we feel and the actions we take, influencing the physical manifestations we attract and experience.

If we are experiencing unwanted circumstances in our lives, although it’s possible, it’s hard at that very moment to say “there’s no place I’d rather be.” But it’s very possible to come to a place where we’re knowing so well how life is working and how we’re receiving whatever it is that’s turning up in our experience, that we can truthfully say, “I don’t like this unwanted situation I’m currently experiencing, but because I know so well how I’m creating my life experiences, and I know that this manifestation is resistance I wasn’t completely aware was within me, I’m going to do my very best to release it by moving to the best feeling vibrational place I can find from where I currently am now,” and that’s the best that anyone can hope to do.

We may not get to a positive vibrational place straight away depending on how strong our negative vibration is in relation to whatever’s happened, but any improvement is very good and will reap improved physical circumstances once it’s the dominant vibration within us on this subject.

The awesome thing about making small vibrational improvements on subjects that are important to us is…..It’s only a matter of time before we become very good at turning strongly negative into strongly positive with very little effort as the Law of Attraction adds power and momentum over time to all that we think and do.

This is when we start to feel the real power of who we are, the power we’ve always had to create the life we’re wanting to live….And now is the time to start accessing that power!!!

And so it is….

Why would we spread our not good feelings around???


Friendly Bear
If you are going to give something, make it something good…….If not because that’s who you are, do it because you will eventually receive back what you have given out.       Paulette De-Har

The answer is quite simple. If this is something we are doing, we’re doing it because it feels good, or more to the point, it feels better than the already not good place were in!!!


This comes from experiencing unwanted circumstances in our own lives without knowing we have the ability to move to a better feeling place without the need to unload our negativeness onto others. When we don’t make an effort to feel better when experiencing unwanted circumstances and emotions, negative resistance remains within our being that eventually needs to be released in one way or another.
Unfortunately, it often accumulates to such a point that many will pass their negative resistant energy onto other often innocent bystanders so they can feel better. Once one has done this they may feel better and think they’ve released that negative emotion, but it’s not quite that simple!!!

Unloading or being nasty is a very temporary solution that can make us initially feel better, but as the Law of Attraction responds to our actions by adding power and momentum to that which we think, speak and do….It’s not very long before we will again be on the receiving end of that negative vibrational energy we originally gave out, except when it returns, it has a stronger vibrational signal. When the Law of Attraction responds to the vibrational signals were emitting, our thought forms or vibrations are joined by other similar thoughts of the same vibrational frequency and emotional intensity before they are “returned to sender” so to speak. That’s why circumstances and what keeps turning up in our experience often increases in intensity as we move forward through time even if we feel our vibration hasn’t changed that much.

So the manifestations we are attracting are physical evidence of what we’ve been giving our focused thoughts too that the Law of Attraction has added power and momentum too. Good news if we’re receiving wanted circumstances, but even if we’re receiving unwanted circumstances….It’s still good news!!!
You may be thinking, how could that be???
It’s not possible to find our way on a map when we don’t know exactly where we are on that map….Wouldn’t you agree??? Sometimes we’re not aware we’ve had thoughts that have been attracting something we’re not wanting until we experience it, and as I’ve said many times before, knowledge and truth is power. ( inner power )

We don’t need to wait until something unwanted turns up to know what we’re attracting. If we make our most important job that of noticing how we are feeling as we move through our days and make the best effort possible to feel better apart from what others are or are not doing, we will be attracting improved circumstances into our lives.
It’s best to be gentle on ourselves when something unwanted happens. It’s not about pretending to like things we don’t like, no. It’s about acknowledging we’re doing our best and that it’s almost impossible to know ever thought we’ve had on every subject that’s important to us and take it for what it is….

A message from a benevolent loving Universe that’s saying….

“I love you so much, and I want you to experience all you are wanting in your life…..So I am communicating to you like we agreed I would before you made the powerful decision to come into this wonderful physical world. You have never, ever, been alone or apart from me even though I know at times you’ve felt this way. I have communicated to you through your emotions letting you know when you are right on the path of what you’re wanting (positive emotions) and when you are on a path that is moving you away from what you are wanting. (negative emotions) Follow your highest thoughts and your highest feelings, and they will lead you into the fullness of all you’ve ever wanted to be and more.”

These were the promises that were made to every creature before we came here…..And now is the time for remembering….

And so it is….

Is being “Right” more important to me than being Happy???

This is my reply to a comment from a previous post about being HAPPY and here’s the link if you’d like to read it, but I like to think this stands on its own whether or not you read the previous post.

Yes…..Most people love the feeling of being right!!! What we believe is right depends on our beliefs, experiences, and level of knowing….So what is right in one person’s mind is not right in another’s, everything is open to interpretation based on where we are vibrationally. That’s why it’s a futile endeavour to spend time trying to convince others of our rightness and their wrongness, for what is true and right for each of us will depend on our focus which has attracted our life experiences becoming the truth we are living, even if it isn’t the ultimate truth.

It’s also important to know we’ll be attracting many unwanted circumstances by arguing our point as the Law of Attraction responds to all the vibrations we’re sending out during these and all other types of interactions bringing us more of the same!!! It’s a good idea to ask oneself if we’re liking the current conversation that’s taking place, and if we would like similar interactions that feel the same in the future???

In relation to others saying “I just want them to be happy,” what people often mean is, “This person plays a pivotal part in my life, and although I do want them to be happy, when they aren’t I find it very difficult to maintain a good feeling vibrational place….So in order for me to feel happy I need to see them happy, and if they really cared about me they would do this so I can once again be happy as I see them happy.”
And I say…..Holy Moses, not much kills good relationships faster than expecting another to provide what we all know deep down we should be providing for ourselves!!
I know this isn’t always easy to do….Especially with the ones that are so dear to us, but being “selfish” and making how we feel our top priority, is more unselfish than many may think. By looking after and making an effort to feel as good as we can while those around us are not, now we have so much good to offer them. And sometimes it’s watching another we love and respect that’s able to feel good in the face of unwanted circumstances that gives us the inspiration to do the same….
But even if it doesn’t at lest we know we haven’t wallowed around in the unwanted mud with them creating unwanted circumstances for ourselves, and helping to add power and momentum to their unwanted situation!!!

Some may call that selfish….I call it “KNOWING!!!”

And so it is….

I’d like to make the world a better place…..I just don’t know how…..


It is not possible to change others. The only hope of changing the world is to change ourselves for the better first.          Paulette De-Har.

This is something someone said in general conversation, and as soon as the words were said, a whole bombardment of thoughts entered my mind as to the answer to her proposed question.
Of course, it was a question asked without the intention or anticipation of receiving an answer too, more of a thinking aloud moment than a real desire to know the answer.
The truth is, it’s virtually impossible to receive answers to questions we don’t believe there are answers too. When people say they want to “make the world a better place,” often what people really mean goes something like;


Through my personal experience and perspective on life, I have come to know what I think is the best way to live and what I believe is “right or wrong,” but as I look around, I see many people doing things I don’t agree with, things I find to be wrong. Initially I tried to control those around me but have figured out that’s a very difficult task to accomplish and doesn’t usually end well, so I suppose I’ve just come to the conclusion that there’ll always be things out there that I have to accept are not what I’m wanting, that I don’t think I can feel good about. (God damn all those people out there that aren’t living their lives how I think they should live!!! Hehehe… Oops, sorry if you don’t think that’s funny!!)

See the hopelessness in all of that….

We cannot make the world a better place for everyone else to live in, that’s not our job. We did not come forward into this physical world to control others and tell them how they should live their lives based on our life experiences or to change everything to how we feel it would be better for others. Each came here to decide how to live based on their life experiences, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be, it’s no accident.

But we absolutely came forward to make our own world a better place by focusing on all we’ve decided from our own personal experience and perspective, how we’re wanting to live. It’s not possible to eradicate any part of this world we’re currently living in. We make our world the world we’re wanting to live in by focusing on all we are wanting and find to be good, and that’s what the Law of Attraction will bring to us. Focusing on all that we don’t like or don’t agree with from a not good feeling, negative, vibrational place, will bring us something quite different to what we’re wanting….

Many have come to know it’s not possible to control any other for any great length of time. Even those that may have initially liked being guided and controlled by others, eventually find these circumstances intolerable as they grow up and have more life experiences helping them to decide more clearly who they are and what they are wanting out of life. For those that are either harshly controlled or trying to control others, there will eventually be an awakening, usually in the form of strong manifestations that helps them to move forward in a more positive direction.
For the controller, it’s about letting go of control and learning to feel good apart from requiring everyone that’s around them to behave in a certain way, so they can feel good.
For the controlled, it’s about coming into our true power and standing up for who we are and what we believe in a positive, good feeling way.

It’s not something we really need to worry about though because whether we’re aware of these things or not, opportunities are constantly being presented to us every single day that are gradually helping us to move into better and better places.
We are making the world a better place by focusing and attracting more of that which is good into our own lives, for that gives more positive things in the world for everyone to focus on and attract into their lives….And so the cycle goes on!!!

Talk about the cycle of life!!!

And so it is….

Life’s like a box of chocolates….You never know what you’re going to get???

I’m not sure who the first person was to coin this phrase, but for me it was best said in the movie Forest Gump.

Whether this phrase is true for us or not, depends mostly on what our beliefs and experiences have been in this life.
Although this may be the experience or truth many people are living to differing degrees, it always comes from a lack of awareness of what we have been emitting vibrationally through our long-held focused thoughts and emotions that the Law of Attraction has responded to with similar feeling manifestations.

So the more aware we are that we’re creating our lives through our thoughts and emotions, our vibration that the Law of Attraction is responding in-kind too, and the more aware we are of how we’re really feeling at any given moment in time is…..The more likely we are to know what may turn-up in our future experience.

Although how the Law of Attraction works is consistent and reliable across all circumstances and situations, even with very strong awareness of these Laws and how we’re feeling and therefore what we’re attracting, there are times when it may still be hard to predict how and when something will make an appearance.

What we’ve attracted through our vibration is delivered to us by the Universe in precise timing and from what is currently available from our surroundings, which may not always be something we’re expecting even though it is a vibrational match to us.
This is often when our faith or belief in our knowing of how life works can be put to the test, and how we deal with these unexpected “bumps in the road” can determine how we move forward.

I’m sure most of us have experienced a challenge that we’ve overcome in a positive way that’s propelled us forward to even greater places and experiences we may not have been able to achieve if not for the challenge in the first place, this is the “silver lining” that is present in all situations…..if we believe it’s there and we’re looking for it??? Whereas in contrast to this, a challenge not dealt with in a positive manner often remains as an area in our life that continues to move us in an unwanted direction, especially if it’s still thought about often with strong negative emotion. In these circumstances it’s important we take the time and effort to move forward positively or to let go of the emotional resistance we may still be holding onto in relation to whatever happened.

It doesn’t matter too much if we don’t make as much positive movement as we’re wanting when something presents itself to us at any given time, because everything that’s happening in our lives is an opportunity to move forward in a more positive direction, no matter how wanted or unwanted the circumstances are.

So let me re-phrase the title….

Life can be like a box of chocolates…..But if we’re starting to become aware of what’s been put in the box, we can usually predict what we’re going to get back out of it, and if we do get a surprise we don’t like, it’s not the end of the world when we know we can choose something differently next time!!

And so it is….