Am I impulsive, and is that good or bad?

Well, that entirely depends on whether our impulsivity is being inspired from a good feeling place or a negative feeling place. A good question to ask ourselves in these situations is, “Am I feeling good or bad as I contemplate this action I’m considering taking right now?” Many people would consider impulsiveness to be a negative trait, especially considering the definition of the word means taking action without reflection on the possible consequences, and even more so when describing a person’s actions if they’re younger in age. 

This does have some common sense thinking behind it for if we’ve had less life experience, we’re usually less aware of certain consequences that may come from our actions and therefore are potentially more likely to do something that could produce unwanted outcomes not previously considered.  It’s often only through the living of many different experiences and their consequences that one learns and comes to understand and consider more deeply the potential consequences and outcomes of different actions.

If we do take an impulsive action from a negative or unknown place, this does not necessarily mean we will experience negative consequences, just as taking an action from a positive feeling place does not guarantee positive consequences, as it matters how you react to circumstances and challenges as things unfold and when we generally sit emotionally at other times. But we definitely increase our chances of experiencing positive consequences from being inspired from a good feeling place and doing our best to work through any difficulties that may arise in the most positive way we can as we move forward through experiences.

Asking oneself, “In which direction do I have the most momentum of thoughts and feelings going right now? Do I have a negative, neutral, or positive feeling about what I am contemplating doing now, and is that feeling strong or weak?”This will help us to gauge what the possible outcome may be if our feelings stays the same as they currently are. It’s important to know that when we start something, how we think and feel about what’s currently unfolding is constantly changing meaning the outcome is also constantly changing.

For action to be taken there must be some positive momentum behind it for one will not usually act from a strongly negative place for we are all instinctively reaching to feel better, not worse. It just depends on where we are emotionally to what the next best feeling emotional place is for us, for what may feel good to one person may feel bad to another. If we’re in rage or revenge, anger feels better, if we’re in contentment or hope, belief feels better. So even though anger may be a better feeling place than where we currently were, this is not a place we want to be taking any actions from for it rarely reaps positive outcomes.

It would be preferable to take the time required to move to a more positive emotional place before considering taking any action, but if we are coming to understanding that our current thoughts and feelings are creating our current and future experiences, making a decision to feel as good as we possibly can to whatever happens increases our chances of experiencing positive outcomes. It also matters what our general mood is at other times as this indicates wether we perceive the world as generally a good place, or generally a place where mostly unwanted things happen. Descriptive words such as happy, easygoing, quiet, aggressive, controlling, chilled, assertive, friendly and so forth indicates some of the moods that people tend to spend much of their time in, that over time, can often become quite strong personality traits.

A person who believes the world is a harsh and dangerous place is no doubt seeing many unwanted circumstances and likely has a stronger expectation of unwanted things happening. Alternatively someone who sees the world as a friendlier place will be attracting more uplifting circumstances and will naturally see the world in a more positive light with a naturally higher expectation of good things happening.

It can be easy to judge others as we observe them taking actions we’ve labelled as wrong, but for them it’s highly likely to be movement to a better feeling place than where they just were. Judging someone as wrong and thinking that that will make them make better choices has a long history of not working, and in fact encourages exactly what we are not wanting because we get more of what we’re focused on.

Instead, focusing on the best of what we want for others but understanding they have their own choices and path to follow let’s love and compassion flow through you to them, and is the best gift you have to give another……

And so it is……

Do I want something too much???

I find it interesting when people suggest that someone may want something too much and that’s why they aren’t getting or receiving it, like there’s some outside force deciding the level of correct wanting or not?

Wanting too much is more a statement about wanting something but having resistance to our own desires which produces negative emotion within when contemplated. In other words it’s a desire where the lack of what we’ve been wanting has had more focus than the pure wanting of the desire has. It’s not hard to notice when something we want hasn’t turned up yet and this can become the most dominant feeling within us which is resistance or the opposite vibration to receiving or believing in our desires which makes the likelihood of what we are wanting manifesting in a positive way unlikely.

Whenever we are focused on the lack of what we’re wanting, it never feels good, and dependent on how much time we have spent pondering such thoughts will depend on the strength of our negative emotion. The longer the negative contemplation is, the stronger the negative emotions we feel will be.

In contrast to this when we are truly wanting something and we are in a good feeling place of believing that we will achieve what we are wanting, this always feels good and the longer the positive contemplation is, the stronger the positive emotions feel and the closer we are to physical manifestation.

Unfortunately for some people, wanting always represents not good feeling emotions because of their strong feeling that they are not capable to achieve what they are wanting. This may cause some to try to stop having desires at all to facilitate feeling better. If such a strategy is undertaken, it doesn’t take long before one realises this is a very difficult goal to achieve and is just another desire.

It’s a difficult objective to achieve because it’s our desires that are the essence of what life is and what keeps us moving forward through our earthly journey. If it’s our desires that moves life forward, and it is, if we no longer hold any desires, life at that point in the current physical body is over. Even a desire to not have desires for whatever reason is still a desire that one is wanting. So we are literally programmed to always desire more because this is how all life expands and evolves and how we are creating our lives both individually and collectively.

So the answer to the question, ‘do I want something too much?’ 

We can never want something too much, but we can want it in such a way as to make ourselves miserable and feel horrible which almost guarantees it will not unfold in a way we’re wanting because of our own resistance to our own desires! Whereas when we really want something and are believing it will unfold, the feelings felt when contemplating it are positive and life giving and are a sure sign we’re on the path to achieving the manifestation of our desires!

So we cannot pretend we do not have desires for that goes against the very nature of what life is and who we really are. We are physical expressions of life and the universal life force that creates all things and we are creating our lives both individually and collectively through the power of our focused thoughts and emotions. 

So do whatever it takes to feel better. For some it’s distraction, for other’s it’s doing something that makes their heart sing like being in nature or listening to music. Whatever it is for you, spend more time doing and imagining the things you love and enjoy and allow yourself to dream. Spend less time contemplating what you believe may currently not be working out and life will start to feel much better…….

For nothing is more important than how we feel, and that is something we can control given time and practice. We all have the ability to feel good apart from external circumstances and is one way to experience what true freedom really is……

And so it is……..

Be careful if you stick your oars into someone else’s boat….You might not like what you find!!!

BoatIn truth we don’t really need to worry about sticking our oars in someone else’s boat because no matter where we’ve chosen to put our oars, we have the ability to remove them and put them somewhere else.

Although easy in theory……..Not always so easy in reality. Why is that???

Once we have put or given our focused attention (oars) to anything whether it be a particular person, personal situation or even circumstances that for the time being sit outside of our immediate experience, momentum of thought is created.
Once momentum of thought has been achieved through our focused thoughts, words and eventually actions, this can be like trying to stop a train that has gained quite a lot of speed. We may be able to slow it a little bit, but we’d probably get run over in the process. The faster the trains going (a subject that’s been given a lot of focused thought over time) the bigger the chance of being run down is if we try to stop it. Whereas the slower the trains going ( a subject that’s been given a small amount of thought over less time) the less likely we are to be run down.

Given this analogy, if we are feeling some negative emotion to certain thoughts we are having, it seems like it would be a good idea to stop our train (the momentum created through our focused thoughts) before something unwanted turns up in our experience. On the other hand if it’s good feeling positive emotions we’re feeling, no one in their right mind would want to stop the momentum of that!!! Positive emotions held onto over time with belief and knowing, especially in the face of opposition to what we are wanting (resistance) must eventually attract what we truly are wanting. That’s the Law of Attraction in action with no living entity on this planet sitting outside of this Law…..”EVER!!!” (As Count Dracula says in Hotel Transylvania……God I love that movie!!!)

So the question needs to be asked……why wouldn’t we stop a train that’s going in an unwanted direction before it gets too far off its path and becomes a bigger problem???
Mainly because firstly we may not be aware of how our train came to be off its path, and secondly because we don’t know how to get our train back on its path. It helps to know how we came to be off track before we can truly begin to be able to get back on track.

Generally, most human beings are captivated by what’s happening around them giving their undivided attention to whatever’s happening. That’s great if everything we’re observing is what we are wanting to experience, but let’s face it, I don’t think there’s probably anywhere on this planet one could go and find all circumstances around them to be to their liking, unless they have made it their primary job to disregard unwanted and focus as much as possible on what they see that they like.
So no matter where we find ourselves, there is the potential to focus on either wanted or unwanted circumstances, and it would be accurate to say what and how we focus the energy that pulses through us directly correlates to the circumstances we attract into our life experience.

Never before in our history has there been so much energy moving so quickly through all life forms on this planet. This means that results from our focused thoughts are attracting vibrational matches far more quickly than ever before. It does not take long when we hold either negative or positive emotions on any subject that is important to us to see the attraction process begin its momentum. This causes us to feel our emotions quickly and strongly, giving us the opportunity to acknowledge where we are and to make an effort to start and change our thought patterns if we feel we may be going off in the ditch somewhere.

The stronger emotions most are feeling in these times, although rather bothersome especially if they are strongly negative, helps to prevent us from becoming complacent or from just ‘putting up with it’ so to speak. If we are experiencing negative emotion but are not dealing with it in its earlier more subtle stages, it does not stay at that level of intensity for long. If not moved into a better feeling place by making an effort to change the thoughts that produced the negative emotion in the first place, it only gets bigger and feels stronger until it’s almost impossible to ignore or ‘put up with’. If we continue to ignore when we feel strong negative emotion, momentum grows until we experience fully manifested circumstances that will have the same emotional feelings to what created it in the first place. Very good if it’s positive good feeling thoughts and circumstances we’re focused upon…….Otherwise no so good.

Back to our oars, there really isn’t anything to fear about where or who we choose to give our attention to because we have the absolute free will and power to retreat and simply put our attention (oars) somewhere else, but it’s very helpful to know that the more we focus on where we’ve put our oars that we didn’t want too, the more entangled we become in something we aren’t wanting. If momentum is not slowed down and changed, this can send us into a place where the choices we currently find before us are choices we don’t want to have to make. Even if we find ourselves in these circumstances…….All is never ever lost.

We can start from wherever we are right now, no matter how bad we may currently feel. We can start to feel better and better therefore creating and attracting better and better circumstances into our lives!!!

This I know to the core of who I am……

And so I do…….

Why do others try to control me???


No benefit comes from letting others control us. By giving into others against our own guidance hurts all involved in the end.          Paulette De-Har

This is a comment I received and responded to in relation to a post about special does not mean better, and since I thought it was especially special……..I thought it would be nice to post it. Thank-you to the person who sent it to me. I greatly appreciated your response as it strongly inspired much that I know and helped me to put that knowledge into words. Apart from that, it always feels very good when something we already know is understood in even greater breadth and depth than before.


It happens often that people when they want to try to control me, and they fail because I notice, they act as if I were better than them. I know that is not true, but nevertheless, I have to live with it. There are many people who control peoples’ lives because they probably don’t have a life of their own, or they like to project their frustrations on others. Special could also mean being able “to read between the lines.”

People often try to control others because they don’t like what “that person” is doing believing others behaviour will threaten them in some way or another. At the very core of who we all really are, it is known we are supposed to feel good but many have forgotten they have the complete and absolute power to make themselves happy and are instead trying to control other people and circumstances to produce the good feelings they desire.

Anyone who has lived for any decent period of time will usually come to understand that this is a futile endeavour but without knowing they have the power within them to move their thoughts and therefore their feeling responses into better feeling places, they are lost either continually trying to control others or to giving up hope of ever feeling better and remaining in an uncomfortable, not good feeling place. Both of these options are completely unacceptable when it does not have to be this way when we can;

1. Decide to make an effort to feel better than where we currently are apart from the physical conditions we may be experiencing. I know, not an easy thing to do when we have not practised doing this, but one must start somewhere don’t you think!!!
2. Knowing no other can assert anything into our experience for all things are created and attracted to us through the power of our focused thoughts that the Law Of Attraction responds in kind too, both wanted and unwanted whether we are aware of these truths or not.
3. Being kind to ourselves and others because that’s who we really are, and if it’s not possible in the moment, at least turning away and not responding negatively.

In response to others acting as if you are better than them when you are understanding you are not, this is often because people can sense when another they are observing is in a vastly different vibrational, emotional place than they are and will react in a variety of different ways depending on where they are. For Example someone in a very good feeling emotional place that is observed by someone in a low not so good feeling emotional place will often get strong negative attention directed towards them even though they are not giving this energy out!
Those that observe that are vibrationally closer to someone in a high good feeling emotional place are more likely to admire what they see but whether they will actually approach such a person depends on exactly how good they are feeling. In other words looking at others hi-lights within us how we really feel about ourselves but if we don’t know this we project any negativeness outwards to those we believe have created it where in truth it is our own beliefs, thoughts and feelings that have created this resistance within us.

I don’t believe people try to control others lives because they don’t have a life of their own, they try to control others because this is what they have been taught they need to do in order to feel happy, and everyone is trying to feel happy. It is true that many project their frustrations onto others because holding onto much negative energy without making an effort to feel better unconditionally apart from conditions is like putting an oxygen tank under pressure…..It’s only a matter of time before that pressure cannot be held in any longer and the tank explodes. Although most will temporarily feel better after this release of negative energy, it is short lived for as the Law Of Attraction responds to that which they have given out in the form of thoughts, words, and actions, that energy increases in power and momentum before being delivered back to where it first originated……
This is why reacting to strong negative energy others send out is not ideal for then negativeness they have released is passed on and although they will still receive back that which they have originally given out, now we will also receive back the negative energy we have received and in turn have given out and the chain of pain continues on and on……

Unless we start to understand through our own life experiences how this life is really working by paying attention to how we feel and noticing what is turning up in our lives. Anyone that does this from a pure place of wanting to know how to create a better life will eventually receive the answers they so desire!!!

And yes, special means different things to different people and I would agree being sensitive to oneself and others is very special indeed……

And so it is……

If the politicians did a better job, my life would be better…..Wouldn’t it???

ProblemQuoteWell,……Maybe yes or maybe no, who knows??? This is a statement that says something like……”I am not responsible for any of the unwanted things I see in the world around me. I give my power and responsibility for creating a happy life over to someone else who I may have forgotten is here to follow the life they want to live and are doing what they believe is right.” I am not suggesting that the decisions politicians make do not impact on our way of life, of course they do. This is what we call a democratic society and without such systems in place, as a species we would not have progressed as far as we currently have. Does that mean all the decisions being made are to everyone’s liking or that things unfold in a positive, wanted way? No, there’s no guarantees with anything that has many variables with large numbers of people in different vibrational places in relation to so many subjects that are important to us.

I do not get into political debates as those that often talk about politics tend to have strong opinions that unfortunately tend to be highly negative in nature. Can you remember having conversations with such a person who highlights all the good and positive decisions the current politicians have made……Uhhhmmmm, not usually. The good created is often completed ignored in favour of all the things in their opinion that have gone wrong or will not produce the outcomes they are wanting. One in such a place is not able to see any good because the strength of their negative focus does not give them the ability to see it!!!

By focusing on all that has not worked well, and even worse having negative predictions for what has not yet unfolded helps to create the exact circumstances we are not wanting to experience, Law of Attraction says it must. No one on their own has created unwanted political circumstances, but together and collectively we are creating our experience and decisions are made that effect many people. How we feel about all things that are important to us in relation to political issues and any other subjects for that matter will have a bearing on whatever outcomes are achieved. This is the same whether we are creating specific circumstances in our own lives with those we are close with or when we are creating circumstances collectively with many we do not personally know.

When we are creating with others, which we are doing most of the time unless we live on a deserted island somewhere with no other people around us. (probably not reading this if that’s the case!!!) I like to think of our collective creative power in terms of a light that receives its charge from many small batteries. The more batteries that work together, the better the charge will be and the more likely that our light will glow brightly. In contrast to this, if many batteries are not working together our light may be much dimmer until eventually the light will cease to glow at all. It is not necessary to get everyone to agree and have the same point of view, although it does help when others are supportive and are liking whatever decisions we may be making that may be affecting them. It’s more important in which direction the collective focus is.

For example being highly focused on all the good a person we may support is doing versus being highly focused on what our opposition may be doing that we don’t like are vastly different perspectives that are vibrating at the opposite ends of the emotional scale and will bring very different results. Every person gets a say and is heard loud and clear by the powerful Law of Attraction, even if they are not interested in or do not follow politics. If we are highly interested in Education we will have a strong vibration going on in relation to this subject and our vibration will be included in decisions made about this subject, and so will every other person who has a vibration going on about it, whether positive, negative or neutral. The resulting outcome or manifestation will be a reflection of the strongest vibrations once everyone’s vibration has been taken into account and responded to by the Law of Attraction!!!

Politicians may think they have all the power but they do not. Every single person holds power to create, and we do it through the power of firstly our thoughts and what we give our creative focus too, which in turn inspires our words and actions.

So decisions can and are made that may have unwanted results, no ones denying that and sometimes its required to inspire better solutions and stronger desires for better outcomes from more people. The direction of each and every persons focus about such circumstances directly affects how things continue to unfold whether we are aware of this truth or not. By focusing all the creative power we were born with on the good we’ve dreamed of is the best chance we have to inspire changes in the direction we’re really wanting both in our personal lives and at a more global level…….And even if all you’ve dreamed of doesn’t become a collective reality, it won’t matter because you will have created it in your own life.

We are creators, and we are doing it individually and collectively. Others ultimately do not have power over us unless we believe they do. No one else can get in our heads and think our thoughts for us and that’s what creates our reality. By making the effort to focus on the best in our lives and leaving others to focus on what they want ensures we stay true to who we are and what we believe in. This must eventually draw vibrational matches in the form of people, places and circumstances and what no longer matches our vibration will eventually find its way out of our life…….

And so it will……

Do you like to gossip???

Don't Gossip QuoteI’ve never been a person that enjoys or takes part in idle gossip about others and because of this find that almost no one brings these types of conversations to me, and even if they do, they do not receive the response they are desiring so will rarely follow-up with trying to speak to me again about such things, or anything for that matter.

For many, gossiping about others can become a way of life that is never producing anything good they are wanting in their lives. It’s completely appropriate to have our own opinions based on our own life experiences and how we’re wanting to live, but when we start to judge others harshly and make it our mission to get others onboard with negative, unkind speculation… .Well, that’s not that good.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a situation we are personally involved in or whether it’s someone we don’t know that well that we’re talking about, neither produces anything good. If this is a pastime we find ourselves enjoying, it’s a very good idea to ask ones self why we do it. From observing many people who love these sorts of interactions it’s not hard to see they enjoy being seen as one who knows what everyone else is up to and are usually the first to know about it and let everyone else know about it too!!! (How Boring!!!)

Gossiping often feels good to people because it makes them feel important, like they know something juicy that no one else knows. Passing this information on whether it’s true or not, (Who said gossiping had anything to do with the truth….What a joke!!!) Also feels great when they receive the wow reaction they were looking for and will search out as many people as possible to spread their gossip too, to keep their good feelings going. These types of people often congregate into like-minded groups that usually have a leader with all the others being followers, or more to the point spreaders of all things not nice!!!

Focusing on the not nice happenings in other people’s lives often keeps our thoughts busy so we don’t have to think or maybe deal with things in our own lives that we would do well to do some thinking about, but the worst thing about gossip is how it may effect the person being gossiped about…..Even if what is being said it true, which of course it hardly ever is, it’s very unkind and hurtful and I would say to anyone who likes to do this……STOP IT!!!

I imagine anyone reading this that has been gossiped about is smiling and agreeing whereas if you are one that likes to gossip, you might want to tell me to get lost….Hehehe!!! Fair call, no one likes to be told by someone else what to do.
For those that love to gossip, let me tell you something that I know that may possibly give you some food for thought. Even though we may feel good as we participate in these types of activities one thing is for sure, it is not possible to speak unkindly and cruelly about others without the Powerful Law of Attraction responding to the vibrations (thoughts and feelings) we are sending out and starts matching us up with like-minded people, places, and events.

What does that really mean……

~ We will encounter many situations that are gossip worthy.
~ We will come into contact with other like-minded people who like to gossip.
~ We will eventually bring, or more accurately said attract through our own focused thoughts we’re having about other people’s not nice or unwanted experiences, not nice and unwanted experiences into our own lives.

So just for effect, I’ll say it again….If you like to gossip, for gods sake make an effort to STOP IT!!!

And so we will!!!

When we only notice everything that’s “UNWANTED”……That’s not that good!!!


Flying House1
It’s hard not to notice something that’s strongly unwanted. Once the initial shock wears off, this is the time to re-orientate ourselves in a more positive direction.        Paulette De-Har 

Why is noticing everything that’s unwanted in our lives not a good idea. When we focus intently on anything wanted or unwanted we attract similar feeling circumstances into our experience, and I don’t know about anyone else but I definitely want to attract more wanted circumstances and less unwanted into my life!!!


Many are also coming from a place where they believe without intense focus on all we are not wanting and all the problems we may be currently experiencing in our lives, nothing would ever get better!!! That’s not a bad idea if we can focus for a short time on the problem and then turn quickly into the vibrational vicinity of the solution we are seeking.

Focusing on the problem (unwanted) can produce both wanted and unwanted circumstances depending on the direction of our focused thoughts and feelings, our vibration.

For example, if we are making an effort to feel better about unwanted circumstances that may be turning up in our physical experience or we are observing unwanted circumstances around us, being determined to focus on the best of it is a very good strategy. As we focus more on what we’re wanting within any given situation, experience or moment in time especially unwanted circumstances, we emit a specific vibrational frequency that the Law of Attraction will respond in-kind too. When any vibration is held onto over time with emotional intensity, we will attract matching vibrational manifestations in the form of thoughts, feelings, and eventually physical manifestations. This is evidence of the dominant vibrations within us, whether we are aware of it or not.

Making the decision to do our best to feel better and to focus on the best of whatever is turning up in our experience is always a good thing, but one also has to be mindful about gently acknowledging whatever resistance or unwanted circumstances that are turning up, especially if we’ve had many experiences with the same emotional feeling within them as this is a sure sign we need to release some resistance thoughts or beliefs we may be holding. Many of us are often not aware we’ve been having resistant thoughts and negative emotion as we do acclimatize to how we feel until it becomes our normal place to be. What once felt really bad, becomes normal if not moved into a better vibrational place. It’s often not until something unwanted unfolds in our experience that we have an opportunity to know for sure we have a vibration within us that has attracted a specific experience into our lives….And even then it can be a little tricky to work out what thoughts we’ve had going on that caused this or that. It’s much easier to focus on feeling better to whatever is turning up rather than trying to remember all the thoughts we are or are not having.

If whatever we’ve attracted has come from long-held beliefs we have about life that we no longer consciously think about anymore, it’s very helpful to think about what our core beliefs are and to reassess whether we really think they are serving who we are now and what we are wanting from this life.

It’s not for others to say what we should or shouldn’t believe, this is an individual choice based on what we are wanting and how we wish to live our lives, but one thing is for sure….
We are all living a life very close to the beliefs we hold, and if that life is far less than what we are wanting to live it’s a very good idea to become aware and reassess any limiting negative beliefs we may have by making an effort to move them into a better feeling more life-affirming direction….

We all have the free will and the power to do so if that’s what we’re wishing…..And we can start right now, from wherever we are by making a decision to do our best to reach for the best feeling emotions we have access to in each and every moment of our lives!!!

And so we can….

There’s no place I’d rather be!!!

LionThese are lyrics to the song Rather Be by Clean Bandit featuring Jess Glynne.
So wouldn’t it be awesome if we could feel like there’s no other place we’d rather be for most of the time!! Although a difficult task for most to accomplish consistently, it’s a very nice idea and something that’s definitely worth working towards.

To come to the place where we may be close to appreciating where and what we’re doing no matter what’s happening around us, does take a certain perspective and understanding about life, and that perspective depends on what we believe and think about life. This, in turn, determines how we feel and the actions we take, influencing the physical manifestations we attract and experience.

If we are experiencing unwanted circumstances in our lives, although it’s possible, it’s hard at that very moment to say “there’s no place I’d rather be.” But it’s very possible to come to a place where we’re knowing so well how life is working and how we’re receiving whatever it is that’s turning up in our experience, that we can truthfully say, “I don’t like this unwanted situation I’m currently experiencing, but because I know so well how I’m creating my life experiences, and I know that this manifestation is resistance I wasn’t completely aware was within me, I’m going to do my very best to release it by moving to the best feeling vibrational place I can find from where I currently am now,” and that’s the best that anyone can hope to do.

We may not get to a positive vibrational place straight away depending on how strong our negative vibration is in relation to whatever’s happened, but any improvement is very good and will reap improved physical circumstances once it’s the dominant vibration within us on this subject.

The awesome thing about making small vibrational improvements on subjects that are important to us is…..It’s only a matter of time before we become very good at turning strongly negative into strongly positive with very little effort as the Law of Attraction adds power and momentum over time to all that we think and do.

This is when we start to feel the real power of who we are, the power we’ve always had to create the life we’re wanting to live….And now is the time to start accessing that power!!!

And so it is….

Why would we spread our not good feelings around???


Friendly Bear
If you are going to give something, make it something good…….If not because that’s who you are, do it because you will eventually receive back what you have given out.       Paulette De-Har

The answer is quite simple. If this is something we are doing, we’re doing it because it feels good, or more to the point, it feels better than the already not good place were in!!!


This comes from experiencing unwanted circumstances in our own lives without knowing we have the ability to move to a better feeling place without the need to unload our negativeness onto others. When we don’t make an effort to feel better when experiencing unwanted circumstances and emotions, negative resistance remains within our being that eventually needs to be released in one way or another.
Unfortunately, it often accumulates to such a point that many will pass their negative resistant energy onto other often innocent bystanders so they can feel better. Once one has done this they may feel better and think they’ve released that negative emotion, but it’s not quite that simple!!!

Unloading or being nasty is a very temporary solution that can make us initially feel better, but as the Law of Attraction responds to our actions by adding power and momentum to that which we think, speak and do….It’s not very long before we will again be on the receiving end of that negative vibrational energy we originally gave out, except when it returns, it has a stronger vibrational signal. When the Law of Attraction responds to the vibrational signals were emitting, our thought forms or vibrations are joined by other similar thoughts of the same vibrational frequency and emotional intensity before they are “returned to sender” so to speak. That’s why circumstances and what keeps turning up in our experience often increases in intensity as we move forward through time even if we feel our vibration hasn’t changed that much.

So the manifestations we are attracting are physical evidence of what we’ve been giving our focused thoughts too that the Law of Attraction has added power and momentum too. Good news if we’re receiving wanted circumstances, but even if we’re receiving unwanted circumstances….It’s still good news!!!
You may be thinking, how could that be???
It’s not possible to find our way on a map when we don’t know exactly where we are on that map….Wouldn’t you agree??? Sometimes we’re not aware we’ve had thoughts that have been attracting something we’re not wanting until we experience it, and as I’ve said many times before, knowledge and truth is power. ( inner power )

We don’t need to wait until something unwanted turns up to know what we’re attracting. If we make our most important job that of noticing how we are feeling as we move through our days and make the best effort possible to feel better apart from what others are or are not doing, we will be attracting improved circumstances into our lives.
It’s best to be gentle on ourselves when something unwanted happens. It’s not about pretending to like things we don’t like, no. It’s about acknowledging we’re doing our best and that it’s almost impossible to know ever thought we’ve had on every subject that’s important to us and take it for what it is….

A message from a benevolent loving Universe that’s saying….

“I love you so much, and I want you to experience all you are wanting in your life…..So I am communicating to you like we agreed I would before you made the powerful decision to come into this wonderful physical world. You have never, ever, been alone or apart from me even though I know at times you’ve felt this way. I have communicated to you through your emotions letting you know when you are right on the path of what you’re wanting (positive emotions) and when you are on a path that is moving you away from what you are wanting. (negative emotions) Follow your highest thoughts and your highest feelings, and they will lead you into the fullness of all you’ve ever wanted to be and more.”

These were the promises that were made to every creature before we came here…..And now is the time for remembering….

And so it is….

Turning away from what we don’t like…..Is a temporary solution!!!


It is not possible to deny where we really are, for it will be reflected back to us in many different circumstances and situations until acceptance and awareness are achieved.          Paulette De-Har

It’s definitely a good idea to avoid focusing on circumstances we don’t like and aren’t wanting to experience in our lives by making an effort to turn our attention to what we are wanting rather than what we are not wanting. But it’s important to know this is more of a temporary solution, especially on subjects that are very important to us. For important subjects that we’re experiencing strong negative emotion too, it’s likely we’ll also be dealing with many situations our thoughts have attracted as the Law of Attraction responds to our strongly held emotional place with all kinds of manifestations that are a match to the dominant feelings within us.


This can make it difficult to look the other way so to speak, which is part of the reason why whatever turned-up has turned up!!! It’s a message to us from the Universe saying…..“This is the direction of your focused thoughts, this is what you are creating in your life, would you like more???” If our answer is no, a change in the direction of our thought is required. If our answer is yes and we are liking what’s turning-up, continuing our already positive focus will create more experiences we’re wanting. Even slight improvements in a thought that are maintained and held onto over time can produce greatly improved manifestations in our lives.

Remember, consistency is the name of the game. It’s not enough to have one improved thought and leave it at that. All things we’re wanting to bring forward into our experience need positive focus that’s been thought on long enough to achieve power and momentum. Once this momentum of thought is achieved it requires less and less effort to maintain our improved vibrational place as this will be where we now naturally are.

If we simply turn away from unwanted manifestations and ignore our negative emotions without making the effort to move them into a better feeling vibrational place, we have prevented adding power to our already unwanted vibration by observing and feeling stronger negative emotions, but without improving how we feel, we’re unlikely to attract improved circumstances on this subject.
This is often the case when experiencing similar unwanted circumstances over and over again. Different places, different faces, but similar experiences. Similar circumstances turn-up when the vibrations that caused this or that to be attracted have not changed much. That’s good news if we’re experiencing wanted circumstances in our lives, who would want to change that??? But if what we’re experiencing isn’t what we’re wanting in our lives, it’s a good idea to start trying to improve our thought somewhat, even if we only make a little vibrational movement each time we bring these thoughts into our mind.

I know it’s not the easiest thing in the world to improve our thoughts on subjects we’ve felt a certain way about for a long time. Especially when we’ve received plenty of evidence to support our long-held beliefs, but once we’re starting to understand how we’re creating our life experiences and that all we’re experiencing is attracted to us through our own focused thoughts that the Law of Attraction is responding and adding power too, I don’t really see what other choices there are???

I can only speak for myself when I say, I know what I do my best to choose every single time…..

And so I do….