Do you like to gossip???

Don't Gossip QuoteI’ve never been a person that enjoys or takes part in idle gossip about others and because of this find that almost no one brings these types of conversations to me, and even if they do, they do not receive the response they are desiring so will rarely follow-up with trying to speak to me again about such things, or anything for that matter.

For many, gossiping about others can become a way of life that is never producing anything good they are wanting in their lives. It’s completely appropriate to have our own opinions based on our own life experiences and how we’re wanting to live, but when we start to judge others harshly and make it our mission to get others onboard with negative, unkind speculation… .Well, that’s not that good.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a situation we are personally involved in or whether it’s someone we don’t know that well that we’re talking about, neither produces anything good. If this is a pastime we find ourselves enjoying, it’s a very good idea to ask ones self why we do it. From observing many people who love these sorts of interactions it’s not hard to see they enjoy being seen as one who knows what everyone else is up to and are usually the first to know about it and let everyone else know about it too!!! (How Boring!!!)

Gossiping often feels good to people because it makes them feel important, like they know something juicy that no one else knows. Passing this information on whether it’s true or not, (Who said gossiping had anything to do with the truth….What a joke!!!) Also feels great when they receive the wow reaction they were looking for and will search out as many people as possible to spread their gossip too, to keep their good feelings going. These types of people often congregate into like-minded groups that usually have a leader with all the others being followers, or more to the point spreaders of all things not nice!!!

Focusing on the not nice happenings in other people’s lives often keeps our thoughts busy so we don’t have to think or maybe deal with things in our own lives that we would do well to do some thinking about, but the worst thing about gossip is how it may effect the person being gossiped about…..Even if what is being said it true, which of course it hardly ever is, it’s very unkind and hurtful and I would say to anyone who likes to do this……STOP IT!!!

I imagine anyone reading this that has been gossiped about is smiling and agreeing whereas if you are one that likes to gossip, you might want to tell me to get lost….Hehehe!!! Fair call, no one likes to be told by someone else what to do.
For those that love to gossip, let me tell you something that I know that may possibly give you some food for thought. Even though we may feel good as we participate in these types of activities one thing is for sure, it is not possible to speak unkindly and cruelly about others without the Powerful Law of Attraction responding to the vibrations (thoughts and feelings) we are sending out and starts matching us up with like-minded people, places, and events.

What does that really mean……

~ We will encounter many situations that are gossip worthy.
~ We will come into contact with other like-minded people who like to gossip.
~ We will eventually bring, or more accurately said attract through our own focused thoughts we’re having about other people’s not nice or unwanted experiences, not nice and unwanted experiences into our own lives.

So just for effect, I’ll say it again….If you like to gossip, for gods sake make an effort to STOP IT!!!

And so we will!!!

It’s easy to feel good when good things happen….

Now isn’t that the truth!!!
But the trick is, or more to the point, the truth is….

It isn’t just how we react when good things turn up that matters and may determine our future experiences, although this is important. Just as importantly, it’s what we do when things aren’t all going our way that also effects what we may attract into our lives. Our future experiences are created by the length of time we focus, and how much emotional intensity we give any subject. Whether our focus is on something that’s happened in the past, is happening now, or is something we’re imagining that hasn’t yet happened doesn’t matter, it’s the strength of our focus that matters and creates.

When unwanted circumstances turn-up, sometimes we’re prone to give them a great amount of focus. This would be good if our focus was directed in a positive good feeling direction on all the good that may come from our experience and possible solutions or changes we may need to put in place to move forward in a more wanted direction. It’s not about pretending we like things we do not, that’s never a good thing as it doesn’t work through negative emotions within us that may be attracting unwanted situations into our experience.
Dealing with unwanted circumstances in positive ways means we’re much more likely to move through any emotional resistance we may have to whatever manifested so that similar circumstances don’t turn-up again in the future!!! Now that sounds very good….Don’t you think???

If we’re in a vibrational place that isn’t too far away from this perspective and if we’re feeling generally happy in our lives about many things, it’s not too hard to redirect ourselves into a better feeling place when unwanted circumstances happen. This is because power and momentum is achieved behind how we feel as the Law of Attraction responds to the vibrations we are constantly emitting, and when we focus strongly and positively on anything, whether it’s wanted or unwanted, we release resistance and create even more wanted future experiences. It becomes our normal good feeling vibrational place to go to and be in without having to make too much effort to get there…..And that’s so awesome!!!

Once we’ve come to understand how we’re creating our life experiences through our own observation of how we feel and what manifests, it may take some time and effort to move our thoughts and feelings into a better vibrational place if we’ve focused for some time with negative emotional intensity on unwanted circumstances.
The good news is…..Once we have an awareness that we’re creating our life it’s not possible to undo this knowing and it’s only a matter of time before we start to exercise the true power that’s within us all.

The power to feel good apart from whatever’s happening.
The power to focus strongly on the good that’s around us.
The power to acknowledge what’s unwanted and move forward positively.
The power to create what we’re wanting in our own lives.

That is a TRUTH that’s worth believing in!!!

And so it is….

It’s hard to full a cup…..When that cup is already full!!!

I’m not sure who first coined this saying….But I think it was well said by the psychic mother of the Na’vi people in the movie Avatar!!!

Most people understand what this common saying is getting at, and of course there is a great truth within these words.
It’s especially relevant to those that have been on this planet for some time that are becoming aware they’re holding strong beliefs that may no longer be serving them or what they’re wanting to experience in their lives.

The experiences we’ve had, especially in our earlier years start to shape our beliefs about life and how life works. Once our beliefs are in place, we receive much evidence of those beliefs and the beliefs of the larger culture we’ve been brought up in as the Law of Attraction responds to the vibrations we emit with matching manifestations strengthening our initial beliefs. This is the circle or cycle of creation so to speak.
We experience something, we believe what we see and we receive more evidence of the beliefs we hold….
Belief-Experience-Evidence-Belief….And so it continues….

Once we have strong beliefs in place, most would agree, it’s not an easy thing to automatically change those beliefs as there’s much power and momentum behind them. All our beliefs have come about over time with focused attention, so in order to change beliefs we feel are no longer helping us to achieve what we’re wanting in our lives, it makes sense that it will require some time and focus to move the thoughts that are at the basis of our beliefs,into a better feeling vibrational place.

Rather than changing negative beliefs we have, most will defend their beliefs by stating “It’s true, look at all the evidence of my belief!!”
And I say yes,….Whatever we focus on over time with emotional intensity will eventually draw evidence of our focus, Universal Law says it must.
The question isn’t so much is what we’re experiencing or observing true or not, the question is…..”Is what I’m experiencing or observing something I want to bring into my life in an even stronger way than what I’m experiencing now???”

If it’s a wanted experience, the answer for most would be yes. If it’s an unwanted experience or circumstance, the fact that it’s true or happening is not a criteria I find to be sufficient enough to give anything my focused attention. A better criteria is…..Am I wanting to attract similar circumstances into my life by focusing on this truth….Because enough focused attention given to anything will start to attract circumstances that have the same emotional feeling to them, unless we change our focus.

There are so many truths out in the big wide world, what’s wanted, what’s unwanted, and everything in-between.
We cannot eradicate anything by focusing in a strongly negative way on what we don’t like and find to be wrong within ourselves, others or the greater world, but we can experience all we’re wanting by focusing on all we find to be good in a strongly positive way and by making an effort to feel slightly better about those things we aren’t feeling so good about.
It’s a choice every single person is making every time we give our focused attention to something. Not knowing we’re creating our life experiences in this way means we may be focusing on strongly unwanted circumstances without making an effort to move our thoughts into better feeling vibrational places.

As always there’s a silver lining within every situation we encounter, especially unwanted circumstances, so even if we are living our lives without being aware of exactly how we’re creating it, manifestational evidence does strengthen as we move through time making it more likely we’ll start making the connection between what we continue to focus upon and what’s turning up in our experience.

Like all things in life, it’s a journey where we’re continually on the path to deeper understandings and knowledge. All experiences both wanted and unwanted have within them the opportunity for us to move forward in a more positive direction than we may have before the experience presented itself to us.
And sometimes we need to empty our cup a little….To allow enough space for something new and great to come in!!!

Now that’s something worth making an effort for….

And so it is….

What’s more important than being HAPPY???

That’s a slightly misleading title, because no matter what we’re doing, we are doing what we feel will achieve or at least get us the closest to the results we’re wanting. A more descriptive question would be……What circumstances do I require or need to achieve before I will allow myself to be happy???

There are many conditions we may or may not be aware of that we’ve put in place to be met before allowing ourselves to be happy such as;

~ It’s more important to be right.
~ Those I talk with must understand what I’m saying.
~ Those I talk with must agree with my point of view.
~ Others I observe must behave in an appropriate way.
~ Things must work out how I am wanting them too.

I can imagine what some people may be thinking….Who doesn’t like it when others understand them and behave in ways we find appropriate. And is there a person living that doesn’t love it when circumstances unfold how they’re wanting???
Of course not, we all love it when we have these types of experiences, because lets face it, it feels so good!!! This is also evidence of the positive vibrational place we have maintained overtime with emotional intensity that the Law of Attraction has responded in-kind too, and when we’re knowing this….That is an awesome feeling that is beyond Physical description!!!

So we could say, yes I’m happy once I’ve proved myself as right, (and others as wrong) are understood or agreed with, and when others behave appropriately. But anyone that’s lived here for some time knows that we’ll always come up against the opposite of the things we’re wanting to experience at some point or another in our life. It isn’t whether we’ll observe or experience unwanted situations in our life, that’s the nature of being in this Physical world. What is important is what we do and how we react when we’re faced with unwanted circumstances and challenges.

It’s all about what we focus on at these times, and what we continue to focus on after an experience has happened that determines what we’re attracting into our future experience. If we can focus on the positives in any situation, this ensures we’re creating the best possible future experiences for ourselves and moving through any resistance we may have to what’s currently happening. This is a very good plan of action, but are empty and hollow words to those that have been focused on all they find to be wrong and unwanted in the world and their experience……

If there are circumstances we’ve been strongly negatively focused on for an extended period of time, it’s does take some time and effort to move our thoughts into a better feeling place…..But once we’re noticing the link between what we’re thinking and feeling and what’s turning up in our life experience, I don’t know anything else that’s worth making more of an effort for, do you???

When we’re knowing we create our own life experiences through our focused thoughts and feelings,(our vibration) we start to realise there are very few circumstances that are worth feeling strong negative emotion about for any length of time. I’m not suggesting we should pretend we like things we clearly do not…. No, that falls into the category of denial, and that rarely brings anything we’re wanting into our lives.
If we only allow ourselves happiness when circumstances unfold exactly as were wanting, we set ourselves up in a situation where we may be unhappy for much of the time. This attracts vibrational matches in the form of thoughts, people, places and events depending on the amount of time we’ve spent being unhappy, and the strength of our negative emotion.

It’s an impossible task to try to control or manipulate others into doing what we want them to do so we can be happy and usually ends in all parties involved being miserable. And I’m sure most have realised, everyone else that’s living hasn’t actually come to make sure everything unfolds in our lives the way we want it too, they’ve come here to create what they’re wanting in their lives, just as we have.

So the moral of the story is….

~ Appreciate experiences and interactions we have with others when things are unfolding as we want them too.
~ Try to see the benefit that comes from all experiences, especially unwanted circumstances, this quickly moves us into a better vibration place about it and releases resistance.
~ Acknowledge any negative emotions we have to past or present experiences and make an effort to move our thoughts into a better feeling place, even if it’s only slightly.
~ Avoid relying on others to provide our happiness….It’s not their job, it’s ours.
~ Wherever we are and whatever we’re doing, even if it’s less that what we’re exactly wanting, is moving us ever so much closer to all that we are, and all we are wanting….

And that has to be a good thing….Don’t you think???

And so our journey continues…..

Everything happens for a reason….Does it not???

Yes, there’s no doubt everything that happens and unfolds within our lives happens for a reason, whether we are aware of this truth or not.

If we’re understanding how the Law of Attraction is working in our lives because we’re seeing the connection between what we’re giving our focused thought and emotion too and what’s turning up, it’s not hard to understand the truth this saying holds for us.
If we are still unaware of these powerful Universal Laws, it doesn’t matter too much, the Law of Attraction is responding equally and consistently to what every person is “putting out there” so to speak, but it would be true to say the more we understand how the Law of Attraction is working in our lives, the better able we are to create more of what we are wanting, and less of what we are not wanting.

Before we’re aware we’re creating our own life experiences, one will often attributes circumstances that happen to external forces such as other people, coincidences, chance happenings, God, or some other magical unknown force, especially if they are unwanted occurrences. And although external influences and circumstances do influence our experiences greatly, that influence comes from our own focused observation, thoughts and feelings in relation to those external circumstances.

Crediting what is turning up in our lives to factors outside of ourselves can often help us temporarily feel better in the short-term when moderately unwanted circumstances happen, but in the long-term and for more strongly unwanted circumstances, it can promote a feeling of helplessness and loss of control over ones life, and that’s rarely a good thing.

It’s always about how we feel when we give any circumstance focused thought, whether it’s something we’re observing or thoughts we bring into our conscious mind. What may feel not so good one day, can feel much better the following day, which is a very good indication positive vibrational movement has been made on the subject we’re giving our attention too.
If we’re believing what’s happening in our lives is happening for a reason and that everything usually works out in the end for our benefit, even if we can’t currently see how or why….This is a great belief that ultimately helps us get closer to achieving what we’re wanting in our lives.
Whereas if we don’t believe things usually work out in our benefit and have no idea why or how things are coming to us….This can make it difficult to achieve what we are wanting.

Some may argue, how can I hold this belief of things working out when my experience has shown me otherwise???
And I say, I know, it’s not easy to promote a belief when we’ve had much evidence in our lives to the contrary, but once we start to understand how those experiences have come to us, how we have attracted them, and notice the difference moving our thought to improved, better feeling vibration places reaps, then it becomes easier to maintain our positive focus in the face of opposition.

This life is a journey of discovery for us all, no matter how much we do or don’t know….And everything that’s happening, the wanted and the unwanted, is leading us into deeper and fuller understanding about life and who we really are!!

It’s when we come to know who we really are and how we are creating our life experiences that we can let go of the struggle we may be currently living.

Life was supposed to be good, and it’s only a matter of time before many of us start living more of the life we intended to live when we made our powerful intention to come into this Physical life!!

And so it is….

Why is the Universe sending me these challenges???

The Universe is not judging who’s supposedly “good or bad” and sending us challenges, if we are experiencing challenges, they are coming through our own focused thoughts, whether we are aware of it or not! In other words, we are receiving many things in our lives both wanted and unwanted, but it’s not through luck or the Universe deciding we’ve had it “too good for too long” and need some not nice experiences in our lives, these things come through our own focused thoughts that we’ve given plenty of attention, over a prolonged period of time with strong emotions that the Law of Attraction has responded in-kind too.

The Universe and everything within it is governed by some very strong and consistent laws such as Gravity, Physics, and the powerful Law of Attraction to name a few, and it doesn’t matter whether or not we are aware of these Universal Laws for them to have an effect on every aspect of our lives, they just are….But it would be true to say, the more aware we are of these Laws, and the more consciously we apply them in our life, the better the results we’re achieving will be.

When challenges do arise in our lives, it’s usually because we’ve had some resistant, negative thoughts that need to be moved to a better feeling vibrational place in order for us to move into more of what we are really wanting, and to do so, our thoughts may need to be slightly redirected in some way.
It’s also important to know…. Even when we are sitting in a very good feeling vibrational place in relation to all we’re experiencing and wanting in our life, challenges will always present themselves to us. The idea of consistently and immediately being in vibrational alignment in a Physical environment where there’s so many contrasting experiences we may be living and observing, is probably a slightly unrealistic expectation and can set one up for disappointment.

Although this is true, being in a good feeling vibrational place does indicate the level or strength of the challenges we’ll face. It’s very unlikely that circumstances that are the manifestation of very resistant, not good feeling thoughts will come our way if we have been making a gentle effort to move our thoughts and feelings into a generally better feeling vibrational place in relation to what we’re currently experiencing and what’s important to us.

There is always a time difference between desiring something and getting ourselves in vibrational alignment with that which we have desired, but the more we are listening to the guidance from our Inner Being, the Non-Physical part of us that is letting us know through our emotions where we are in relation to whatever we’re wanting, the shorter the time period will be before the Physical manifestations we are wanting turn up.

Life is supposed to be good for all of us….And there is nothing that we have wanted or will desire in the future that we cannot achieve, but we do need to find the good feeling vibrational place of it.
This is the same for every physical being that has ever lived….And there’s nothing fairer in the world than this….

And so it is….

Don’t judge a book by its cover….

I think many would have a good idea what people mean when they say "Don't judge a book by its cover."
It's fairly obvious that you cannot know everything about a person purely by observing their physical appearance and this saying speaks to that truth by reminding us to avoid judging others too harshly or in a negative way before we've got to know them.
But that's where the truth of this statement ends.
Of course it's not nice to judge others harshly when you don't know a lot about them, but the idea that you will not take anything that you are observing with your own eyes, and what you may be feeling from them vibrationally into consideration when deciding whether you wish to interact with another person or not is…..Well, it's highly unlikely as this happens automatically, whether we are aware of it or not.
So our interpretation of another comes not just from what we are observing, ( hair, skin colour, clothing, cleanliness, presentation etc) not to underestimate what we are seeing, but also from a persons facial expressions, body language, and especially from what they are sending out vibrationally.
We all have a general vibrational signal that is being emitted from us in every moment we are in this physical body. (and when we are in the Non-Physical realm too….But that would require a post of its own!!)
Our general vibrational place is made up of all the thoughts and feelings we’ve ever had, although subjects we are currently focused on and things we feel very strongly about both positive and negative, will be sending out a stronger signal than subjects that are less important to us.
Whenever we come into contact with others, we’re picking up on their vibration to a certain extent, depending on how sensitive we are to how we’re feeling and how aware we are that this is happening.
Whatever we may be feeling when we’re observing anyone, but especially those we don’t know, will be a blending of their physical appearance, body language, and most importantly, their vibration. This is a positive occurrence, unless we make very negative judgements based on the information we are receiving.
When others are very different to ourselves, we often feel it very strongly and sometimes negatively, and we may assume, “there must be something wrong with that person,” otherwise why am I feeling not good when I look at them?
Whereas it’s usually an indication not that someone is “not good,” but that there will be a lot of differences between the two of you.
Now it’s true to say that it wouldn’t be much fun if we were all the same, but on the flip side of that, it’s not usually much fun to interact with people who are vastly different to ourselves either, especially if our core beliefs about life are at the opposite ends of the scale for this can make for some very not nice communication, and no one usually wants that!
Another factor about our physical appearance that’s often not considered is, what we see on the outside is always a reflection of what’s going on inside us and what we’ve been doing with our thought process, for it’s not possible to hide who you have been and who you are currently being, it’s out there for everyone to see, especially if you are holding negative thoughts and feelings about past experiences that the Law of Attraction is responding in-kind too, for this takes its toll on the mind and physical body!
So although it’s definitely not nice to judge others negatively by how they look, it’s important to acknowledge that we’re all receiving valuable information about the others we come into contact with that’s letting us know if it’s a good idea to communicate with them right now or not, and to guide people to not listen to the guidance they are receiving, is very poor advice at best.

For me, I get very strong feelings and information about others, and I do not feel the need to speak to those that are vibrationally a long way from where I am because I know they feel very uncomfortable around me, and that’s not nice for anyone including me.
Rather than trying to push relationships that aren’t a good match, it’s better to let those that are on the same wavelength to you come, for that is a coming together of two like-minded souls….And that is so good!!

And so it is….

Why would we measure our Self-worth….On what someone else thinks of us???

Of course, it’s wonderful when people are looking at us favorably, but if we are requiring this from every person we come into contact with, we will have to become very good at working out how others would like us to behave in order to ensure their approval of us.
Some may say, “What’s wrong with that?” And I say, nothing is essentially wrong with wanting positive interactions with others and for them to like us, as long as we are not doing anything that goes against who we really are to achieve it.
That brings up an interesting question, is it more important for me to be true to myself and what I believe in, or is it more important for me to gain the approval of others at the cost of going against my own beliefs? (or do I have a belief that goes something like “if people don’t like me, there must be something wrong with me?”)

Although every situation we encounter is different, and we will make our own assessment of what we feel is best for us at that moment, it would be true to say, if many of our interactions are based on doing whatever it takes to gain another’s approval, we can become “temporarily lost” and forget who we really are. By that I mean, we now may be substituting our own Inner Guidance that is directing us through our emotions to all we are wanting, for someone else’s Inner Guidance that is leading them through their emotions to everything they are wanting! Now, unless we’re wanting exactly the same things, have experienced the same circumstances and have come to the same conclusions and beliefs about life….I think it’s quite clear to see no other is better equipped with better Inner Guidance than ourselves, to know what’s best for us.

I say “temporarily lost,” because it’s not possible to completely disconnect from who we really are for any great length of time, sooner or later we always return to that knowing place.
The question isn’t will we return to the full understanding and knowing of who we really are, the question is….How long will we hold ourselves apart from our blended all-knowing Non-Physical perspective, through our own negative contemplation?
Alignment with our Non-Physical counterpart happens when we make our transition from this Physical life and body, but we do not need to wait for this to happen to achieve the blending or alignment of the Physical and Non-Physical together.
If we become sensitive to how we are feeling and do our best to move into the best feeling place we can, it’s only a matter of time before we find ourselves in alignment with who we really are while we’re still in this physical body, and it is so good!!

To begin with it may only be for short moments that we feel this alignment, but as we continue to feel generally better in our life and make an effort to focus on the best that life has to offer, this starts to become our normal vibrational place to be in, and one can find themselves in a very good feeling place for extended periods of time….For no good reason at all!!

Alignment is achieved when the Physical here and now part of us and the Non-Physical part of us are in complete agreement in relation to whatever we are giving our attention to now.
For example, if I am looking at someone and feeling strong negative emotion, this indicates the Non-Physical part of me is thinking something very different to what I am currently thinking, for if I was in alignment with what the Non-Physical part of me was thinking, I would be feeling positive emotion.
So what should I do? Should I try to conjure some feelings of love for this person I am clearly not loving much? I say, “No way,” it cannot be done in a few moments, for it’s virtually impossible to go from strong dislike to liking or loving instantly….Have you tried?

It’s better, or in our best interests to accept the way we feel rather than deny it, and to put our focus on something else if we feel unable to move to a better feeling place rather than trying to “fake it,” because it’s not possible to truly hide how we really feel anyway.

Another option is to just “turn the other cheek” so to speak, look away from that which makes you feel not good, especially if you don’t feel like you can continue to observe without improving your thought. Not much benefit comes from focusing our attention on unwanted circumstances without making an effort to move to a better feeling vibrational place, especially if it’s for an extended period of time….And by “an extended period of time,” I mean anything over about 20 seconds!!!
I know this may seem like a very short amount of time, but this is all it takes before the Law of Attraction will respond to our thought vibrations and give us access to more thoughts of a similar nature, and as we think and focus longer, another thought, and another and another will become more easily available to us, and with enough time and focus that produces intensity of emotion, we will attract physical manifestations that match the dominant vibrations (thoughts and feelings) within us. Very good when we’re focused in the direction of what we are wanting to experience wouldn’t you say?

All I can say is, you do not need others approval to feel worthy, and when we start to access the Inner Guidance we were born with, we start to feel a worthiness that no external circumstances or person can provide….
It comes from knowing “who we really are,” and feeling the absolute power we have to create what we are wanting in our own lives….

And so it is….

Who’s truths are you living???

I love the times we are living in now. I like that I have running water, my rubbish is conveniently picked up and disposed of for me, I don’t need to dig a hole to go to the toilet, (thank god for that….Hehehe!!) I can get everything I need to cook at a handy store, not to mention almost anything else I require, and do I need to even bother talking about all the technological advances that make so much of what we do these days easier?
Now of course there is always two sides to every story, and many people will say “Yes, but……..” bringing up all the negative aspects, stories, evidence and experiences from their point of view of why this or that is not as good as you may think it is, and although their negative perspective may be “their truth,” do you think that’s a good enough reason for you to focus on it in a not good feeling, negative way?
They are unwanted aspects that someone else, or a collection of individuals have focused on that the Law of Attraction has responded too, that has attracted evidence they are now observing, and often manifestations they may also be experiencing in their life.
So they are not making it up, or not telling the truth, but they are telling you a truth that they have created, or a truth that has been originally created by others that they then observed and focused on with strong emotion, achieving power and momentum behind those thoughts and unknowingly bringing it into their world.

Once we are understanding how we are creating our own life experiences, not because someone told us, but because we have experienced it in our own life, it often takes some time to work through the reasons why we may still be focusing on unwanted circumstances others are bringing to us, and although it will be different for everyone, here is a list that may give us some food for thought, so to speak.

~ If it’s a subject we feel very strongly negative about, this is a good indication we still have resistance in relation to whatever the subject matter is which we may want to make an effort to move to a better feeling vibrational place about.
~ We may have become accustom to behaving or reacting in a certain way when interacting with others that’s not in our best interests, or the other persons interest for that matter either. For example being very sympathetic by listening and agreeing with negative contemplation.
~ Is it important for us to gain approval from and be liked by everyone we interact with?

There is so much truth “out there,” the questions I ask myself when deciding whether I should give my attention to something or not is;

~ Is this subject or circumstance something I want to bring into my world and experience?
~ Can I focus on this negative subject and bring it into a more positive place?
~ Is how I am thinking and feeling right now moving me closer or further away from that which I am wanting?
~ Do I feel this interaction is going to be a positive experience for all parties?

I know, sometimes things don’t always unfold how we want them too, even when we’ve had the best of intentions, but I do feel that if we can take a few moments to ask ourselves these sorts of questions when deciding what to give our powerful and focused attention too, “It is so good,” for yourself, and every single person that has the good fortune to come into contact with you!!

And so it is….

What is right….and what is wrong???

Although it is completely appropriate for us to decide for ourselves what we would like to experience in our lives and what we feel is good for us, when we feel a strong sense of right and wrong towards ourselves or others, this rarely moves us in a direction we are wanting to go.
When we are strongly focused on the wrongness of anything, what are we mainly focused on? We are strongly focused on that which we are “not wanting.” So if the Law of Attraction is responding to our focused thoughts and feelings about whatever we are giving our attention to, and is showing us manifestational evidence of that which is pulsing strongly within us, (which it is) if we are focused on many circumstances we believe to be wrong, what are we attracting more of? Yep, you guessed it, we will attract and see more evidence of things we find to be wrong.
In truth, whatever we’re doing or thinking is neither right or wrong, it just is.
Many would strongly disagree and give many examples of behaviour or circumstances that the majority of people may agree is “wrong or right,” in their opinion, but I like to think more in terms of what “I am or am not” wanting to experience rather than what is right or wrong.
Some may think this is just the use of different words that still refer to the rightness or wrongness of something, and although this is possible, it’s not likely.
When speaking more about what we’re wanting to experience, we’re usually more focused on where we are, and what we’re doing in a positive way, whereas when we’re talking about right and wrong, we’re often judging or blaming ourselves or others for whatever situation we’re observing or predicament we find ourselves in.
We all sometimes do this depending on where we are and what our beliefs about life are, but if we find ourselves judging or blaming,(or in any negative, not good feeling vibrational places) it’s important we make an effort to move to a slightly better feeling vibrational place as soon as possible, if we are wanting to feel good.

I can only speak from my own perspective regarding what helps me to move to a better feeling place if I find myself in the lower vibrational feeling places.
These are basic beliefs about life that quickly and generally bring me into a better feeling place that then lets me move to a more specific positive vibrational place regarding the circumstances I’m observing or experiencing.
Beliefs that move us into the higher vibrational feeling places;
~Goodness is at the heart of all human beings, and if people are behaving less than nicely, this often comes from picking up resistance on this physical journey and not understanding how we are creating our life experiences.
~We are all doing the best that we can to feel happy and achieve more of what we are wanting in our life based on what we know at any particular point in time.
~Everyone is attracting what is coming into their life experiences through the power of their focused positive and negative thoughts, whether they are aware of it or not, there are no true victims or villains. (although we can feel this way if we believe strongly in wrongness and rightness)
It is virtually impossible to hold the above beliefs and stay in a strongly negative place towards ourselves or others for any great length of time, but it would be true to say, we must have come to a certain level of awareness and understanding of how life works and how we are creating our own life experiences before these beliefs can feel true for us and can help move us to a better vibrational place.
If we are believing strongly in right and wrong, whose opinion of what’s right or wrong should we ultimately listen too?
People have been hurting each other over trying to impose their opinions of what they feel is right or wrong over others for a long time. This comes from a place of believing something someone else is doing can come into your life and hurt you, and although most of us may have had experiences like this, everything that comes into our experience is called to us, both wanted and unwanted, through our own focused thoughts.
When we come to this realisation, we can let go of judging ourselves or others as wrong, and start turning our attention to everything we feel is great in life, that we are wanting to experience….And that changes everything!!

And so it is….