If you want it bad enough…..You’ll achieve it……Really???

I often wonder about the things that are commonly said, and think maybe not much forethought is put into some comments such as….If you want something bad enough, you’ll achieve it…

This can be said from a positive feeling place to encourage someone who may be close to achieving what they have set out to achieve, but when these words are spoken when one is far away from achieving what they are wanting and may have struggled for quite some time in the pursuit of their goal, it can be quite deflating. It often implies we just haven’t tried hard enough, which is so often untrue it’s unbelievable!! (Unless we’ve tried so hard for so long we’ve given up because it becomes so emotionally difficult and exhausting to continue from this resistant, not good feeling vibrational place)

It’s true to say, when we’re in the pursuit of any goal, the more we focus positively, the greater the likelihood of achieving our set goal is, but on the flip side of this equation is, if our focus is negatively driven, even though our desire can be very strong, the likelihood of achieving our wanted outcome is greatly diminished.

Intense struggle always promotes more struggle (Remember, Law of Attraction) unless our thoughts are moved into a more positive vibrational place where we believe things have the potential to work out for us…..Even if we aren’t currently knowing how. That’s having true belief and knowing how this Universe works and the power we have to create our own life experiences. This belief is difficult to produce without knowing how it is we’re creating our life.

If we’re not knowing we are the creators of our own experience, and even sometimes when we do know, we may attribute unwanted circumstances that turn up in our lives to outside external forces such as God, the government, or other people, and although there are external forces that do have an effect in our lives because we give these subjects our focused attention, we have control over whether we focus on the positive aspects they bring into our lives or all the not good aspects they may bring into our lives…..And that changes everything about our experience and what we will be attracting because we always get that which we give prolonged focused attention too, with strong emotion, whether they are circumstances we’re wanting or not.

If we’ve strived for something for a long time without receiving the results we’re wanting, we probably do need to assess what we’re doing and change something. When we change and hopefully move our thought into a better feeling place, unwanted circumstances often turn up so we can release any negative resistant thoughts we’ve had going on that we may have previously been unaware of.

If we are able to work through what has shown itself to us, our own resistance, this moves us closer to the vibrational vicinity we need to be in to allow what we’re wanting to start flowing into our experience, but it does take some time before we may see improved results, especially if we’re highly focused on the end result we’re wanting, for this can prevent us from seeing all the small improvements that are happening along the way.

This is often what happens when we achieve what we are wanting but it doesn’t feel that great because we realise our journey was very hard work or a struggle, and it wasn’t fun.

There is not one of us alive that does not truly want to achieve what we are wanting in our life, it’s just a matter of how connected we’ve been to our Inner Guidance, the Non-Physical part of ourselves that’s communicating to us through our emotions and if we’ve known what those emotions are indicating.

It’s when we come into vibrational alignment, (our good feeling emotional place) where the blending of the Physical and Non-Physcial parts of us takes place, and that’s when much of our struggle ends and gives way to more of what we are really wanting to experience…..And that really is awesome!!!

And so it is….