Am I being selfish enough…..To look after myself???

The word “selfish” has definitely come to mean a very negative quality that one would not usually be happy to be called, for when this is said it usually implies taking advantage of others for our own personal gain, a trait that most would agree is…..Well, not very nice!! (Remember, Law of Attraction)

When I speak about being selfish, which by the way we all are to different degrees, I’m talking about looking after our own needs and wants before others, but definitely not to the detriment of others, and often for the upliftment of all involved.

Do you think that’s selfish???
Yes, it most certainly is, but consider this for a moment. When did it become “not good” to look after ones own interests in a positive way? And I ask the question, who is going to look after you, if you will not?

We intentionally and specifically came into this physical world to decide and create for ourselves the life we’re wanting to live, so no other is able or can look after us better than we can. Every one of us has our own personal perspectives on life based on everything we’ve experienced, and unless someone has the ability to get inside us and know exactly how we’re thinking and feeling in relation to what we’ve experienced and what we’re wanting, they’re not in a better position than we are to decide what we should be doing.

That’s not to say we can’t get some good external guidance from outside of ourselves, especially if all parties involved are in a good feeling vibrational place about it, but the final decision is always ours after weighing up all the factors before us, and hopefully with the inclusion of our Non-Physical Inner Guidance.

For me, being selfish is another way of saying;

Nothing is more important to me than that I feel as good as I possible can at any given point in time. And because I know that I am the only one that can control how I am feeling, no matter what others around me are doing, I am going to do my best to move into the best feeling place I currently have access too. I know by making an effort to be in the best feeling vibrational place I can be in, I have the most benefit to offer others, so by looking after myself and making how I am feeling my top priority, now I am sharing the very best of me with everyone I come into contact with……

And that’s what I would call “A win, win situation!!”

And so it is….

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